Members of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown conducted a force protection proficiency shooting exercise in the Atlantic Sea on February 8 as the ship prepared to join NATO allies participating in exercise Steadfast Defender 24. The first phase of the large, multinational exercise continues until mid-March, focusing on maritime […]
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Keeping CFB Halifax secure
In honour of Security Awareness Week, a Professional Development (PD) Day was held at Juno Tower on February 7 for Unit Security Supervisors (USS) and other local Defence Team members interested in or with a role in security. The day-long session was designed to inform USS of their roles and […]
Drug bust during Operation Caribbe
His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Margaret Brooke has made its first seizure of illegal drugs while deployed to Operation Caribbe in support of the United States-led counter-narcotics mission in the Caribbean Sea and the eastern Pacific Ocean. The ship assisted the U.S. Coast Guard in intercepting roughly 510 pounds of […]
CAF hockey gold for CFB Halifax
The CFB Halifax Mariners men’s hockey team is back to winning ways after capturing the gold medal and tournament trophy at the CAF Atlantic Region Hockey Championship on January 26, besting teams from Greenwood, Gagetown and Shearwater through the week-long event. Halifax will now represent the Atlantic region at nationals, […]
Flag raising kicks off Black History Month
Master Sailor Jonathan Wright raised the Pan-African flag at Base headquarters during morning colours on February 1 to mark the start of Black History Month in Canada and African Heritage Month in Nova Scotia. The base team offered thanks to all who planned, participated in, and attended the ceremony, as […]
New Cox’n for HMCS Fredericton
Chief Petty Officer First Class Brett Marchand, incoming coxswain of HMCS Fredericton (right) pays tribute to CPO1 Keagan Dawson, the outgoing Cox’n, during the Change of Appointment ceremony held on board the ship on January 12. The ceremony was presided over by Fredericton’s Commanding Officer, Commander Matthew Mitchell.
Promotions for junior members at 423 Squadron
Nine members of 423 Maritime Helicopter Squadron at 12 Wing Shearwater received promotions before the holiday from 423 Commanding Officer Colonel Matt Fraser and Squadron Master Warrant Officer Scott Savage. The ceremony was held on December 19, 2023. in the 423 Squadron hangar. Congratulations to the following members promoted to […]
Ships depart for SQUADEX 24-01
His Majesty’s Canadian Ships (HMCS) Summerside and Glace Bay departed from CFB Halifax on January 15 to participate in a multi-ship exercise dubbed SQUADEX 24-01. Maritime Forces Atlantic says the Kingston-class ships will conduct the exercise in the operations area off Nova Scotia and the Eastern Seaboard, with the goal […]
Margaret Brooke departs for counter-narcotics mission
The ship’s company of HMCS Margaret Brooke has left Halifax for their first sail of the new year. The ship and crew departed on January 12 for a six-week deployment to Operation Caribbe, the Canadian contribution to the US-led enhanced counter-narcotics operations in the Caribbean region. This will be Margaret […]
New submariners get their dolphins
A number of newly-minted submariners aboard HMCS Windsor received their qualifications and dolphin badges from Windsor Commanding Officer LCdr Harrison Nguyen-Huynh during presentations before the holiday break. Bravo Zulu to Sub-Lieutenants Martin Hagen and Calum Robinson, Sailor 2nd Class Jeff Dufour, and Sailors 1st Class Zachary Conely, Malcom Lopes, Nicolas […]