Author: Trident Newspaper


Wrens attend tea in celebration of WRCNS 80th anniversary / Des « Wrens » participent à un thé pour célébrer le 80e anniversaire de WRCNS

Wrens attend tea in celebration of WRCNS 80th anniversary  By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff Although the women’s branch of the Royal Canadian Navy was first formed “to release a man to go to sea,” its legacy is much more than that, and its members helped pave the way for RCN […]

News Photo

CFB Halifax welcomes new Base Administration Officer / La BFC Halifax accueille un nouvel officier du service de l’administration de la base

CFB Halifax has a new commanding officer for its Base Administration branch, with Commander Cythia Foley taking over command during a formal Change of Command ceremony at the Juno Tower bridge on July 15. Cdr Foley is no stranger to CFB Halifax and has extensive experience sailing with the Atlantic […]


SAC trade recognized with new specialty skill badge / Le métier de CAE reconnu par un nouvel insigne de spécialiste

SAC trade recognized with new specialty skill badge By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff Four Atlantic fleet sailors received the Royal Canadian Navy’s new Shipborne Air Controller (SAC) specialty skill badge in a presentation ceremony held on July 28 in the operations room aboard Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown. Shipborne […]

News Sports

Gagetown takes soccer trophy after nail-biting final / Gagetown remporte le trophée du football après une finale très serrée

Gagetown takes soccer trophy after nail-biting final By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Canadian Armed Forces soccer is back after a two year hiatus, and if the fierce competition at the recent Men’s Regional Championship is any indicator, our athletes were more than ready to get back on the field. Teams […]


Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie assumes command of CFB Halifax / Le Capv Andy MacKenzie prend le commandement de la BFC Halifax

Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie assumes command of CFB Halifax By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff Captain (Navy) Andy MacKenzie took over as Base Commander of CFB Halifax from Captain (Navy) Sean Williams during a Change of Command ceremony at the Consolidated Seamanship Training Facility at Stadacona on July 25. In his final […]