The fifth Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship being built for the Royal Canadian Navy, the future HMCS Frédérick Rolette, continues to come together at Irving Shipbuilding’s Halifax Assembly Hall. The ship’s three mega blocks are expected to be rolled onto land and joined together later this year. Frédérick Rolette will […]
Author: Trident Newspaper
Mariners seek national basketball gold in Halifax
Mariners seek national basketball gold in Halifax By Trident Staff After reclaiming the CAF Atlantic Region Basketball Championship earlier this year, the CFB Halifax Mariners Men’s Basketball team are looking to take the national title for the first time since 2014, and they’ll have the hometown crowd behind them. The […]
Development camp helps build momentum for women’s basketball
Development camp helps build momentum for women’s basketball By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Canadian Armed Forces doesn’t currently have a full women’s basketball program, but efforts to develop the sport are growing, as shown by a recent skills camp held at CFB Halifax. Personnel Support Programs (PSP) staff on […]
A glance at the Basic Intelligence Officer Course
A glance at the Basic Intelligence Officer Course at Naval Fleet School (Quebec) By LCdr James Cantafio, Training Division Officer, Naval Fleet School (Quebec) Situated on the banks of the historic Saint Lawrence River in scenic Old Quebec, Naval Fleet School (Quebec) (NFS(Q)) continues to support Naval operations and Intelligence […]
Firsthand Account: Mariners show resilience at hockey nationals
Firsthand Account: Mariners show resilience at hockey nationals By S1 Natassia Lei Sailor 1st Class Natassia Lei, a member of both Naval Fleet School (Atlantic) and the CFB Halifax Mariners women’s hockey team, has provided this account of the team’s recent silver-medal win at the CAF National Championship. Pregame: After […]
Updates from HMCS Fredericton on Op Reassurance
HMCS Fredericton is continuing its ongoing Operation Reassurance deployment in the Mediterranean, operating alongside allies as part of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2. The vessel recently made its second stop in Souda Bay, Greece this year, following its participation in gunnery exercises and other presence activities in the Adriatic, Ionian, […]
New Coxswain for HMCS Halifax after a banner year
New Coxswain for HMCS Halifax after a banner year By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The outgoing Coxswain of HMCS Halifax said things felt bittersweet as he spoke at a Change of Appointment ceremony at Juno Tower on April 14. Over nearly two years in the role, he saw the development […]
Volume 57, Issue 08, April 17, 2023
Click on issue cover to view publication.
Faces of Health Promotion Halifax
Faces of Health Promotion Halifax By the Health Promotion Team Health Promotion Services has been supporting the CAF/Defence team for over 20 years. In addition to delivering programming and developing resources on nutritional wellness, addiction-free living, active living and injury prevention, and social-mental wellbeing, each team member has specialized and […]
From the archives: Sail-past marks Naval Reserve 75th anniversary
In the summer of 1998, Maritime Forces Atlantic marked the 75th anniversary of Canada’s Naval Reserve with a special sail-past in Halifax harbour. The photo above shows HMCS Kingston leading her four sister ships – Glace Bay, Goose Bay, Shawinigan and Moncton – out of the harbour. The inset photo […]