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Stadacona temporary fitness facility to be constructed by early fall 2023 / Construction de l’installation de conditionnement physique temporaire à Stadacona au début de l’automne 2023

Stadacona temporary fitness facility to be constructed by early fall 2023 Background When the decision was made to close the Stadacona Fitness, Sports and Recreation Centre (STADPLEX) in 2018, Real Property Operations Section Halifax developed a comprehensive infrastructure plan to address the short, medium and long-term needs of our Base […]


New Fleet Commander highlights changing culture and new ships as priorities / Le nouveau commandant de la flotte met en avant le changement de culture et les nouveaux navires comme priorités

New Fleet Commander highlights changing culture and new ships as priorities By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Commodore Trevor MacLean didn’t shy away from the challenges ahead as he took command of Canadian Fleet Atlantic (CANFLTLANT) on June 22, and he said efforts to improve culture and rebuild trust across the […]


HMCS Margaret Brooke completes warm weather trials ahead of Op Nanook deployment / Le NCSM Margaret Brooke termine les essais par temps chaud avant le déploiement de l’Op Nanook

HMCS Margaret Brooke completes warm weather trials ahead of Op Nanook deployment By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Margaret Brooke returned to its homeport of Halifax on May 26 after nearly a month of warm weather trials, part of the post-acceptance program to demonstrate that the […]


New RCN pin marks progress toward command of a ship / Une nouvelle épinglette de la MRC marquant les progrès réalisés pour parvenir à un poste de commandement d’un navire

New RCN pin marks progress toward command of a ship By SLt Wilson Ho Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) naval warfare officers are now eligible for a new pin that marks their progress toward command of a warship. The new pins were officially unveiled on May 16, 2022, with the first […]


NATO Operation Sea Guardian wraps up another patrol / L’opération Sea Guardian de l’OTAN achève une nouvelle patrouille

NATO Operation Sea Guardian wraps up another patrol in Western Mediterranean By NATO MARCOM, NATO’s maritime task group concluded its third round of focused patrols in the Western Mediterranean Sea as part of NATO’s Operation Sea Guardian (OSG) on May 12. Led by NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) in Northwood, […]