CFAEP brings back memories for recruiter By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff When PO2 Katerina Stewart signed up for the Aboriginal Pre-Recruit Training Course in 2002, she was young, unsure about her future after high school, and just looking for a taste of what military life might offer. “I decided to […]
MARLANT/JTFA Honours and Awards
US medal among presentations at MARLANT/JTFA Honours and Awards ceremony By Trident Staff LCol David Coker served as the CO of Canadian Role 2 Medical Treatment Facility during Operation INHERENT RESOLVE from April – October 2017, supporting the American-led mission against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Our counterparts […]
Platinum score on FORCE Test
PO2 Lieu achieves Platinum in the CAF FORCE Test By Mona Ghiz, MARLANT PA PO2 Hoa Lieu recently hit her fitness goal by reaching Platinum in the FORCE Operational Fitness Evaluation. Achieving an almost perfect score of 398 out of 400, she has accomplished a feat only one percent of […]
HMCS St. John’s gets recognition from CDS
HMCS St. John’s crews recognized for exceptional service By the Royal Canadian Navy The Chief of the Defence Staff, Gen Jonathan Vance, recognized two crews of HMCS St. John’s on April 4 for their exceptional service and performance during 2017. The Canadian Forces Unit Commendation is a group award created […]
Swimming in the CAF
CFAST swimmer making the most of fitness opportunities By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff When PO2 Courtney Lambert joined the CAF six years ago, she didn’t consider herself a swimmer, and a busy career as a musician left little time to focus on health and fitness. Now, she’s a member of […]
Hockey Night in Oman
Hockey Night in Oman By Lt(N) Linda Coleman, PAO, HMCS Regina It was April 27, a Saturday night, when HMCS Regina was alongside in Muscat, Oman for a port visit during Operation ARTEMIS. While many Canadians were watching playoff hockey on Hockey Night in Canada back at home, HMCS Regina […]
Milestone for AOPS construction
Ceremony marks milestones in AOPS construction By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Government of Canada and Irving Shipbuilding marked the latest milestone of the National Shipbuilding Strategy on May 3 with the start of construction on the future HMCS William Hall, the fourth of the Royal Canadian Navy’s future fleet […]
Battle of the Atlantic ceremony
Paying respect to those who served during the Battle of the Atlantic By Virginia Beaton, Trident Staff “It was a no-fail mission.” Failure was not an option during the Battle of the Atlantic, according to RAdm Art McDonald, Deputy Commander Royal Canadian Navy. In his remarks during the annual Battle […]
CMPC tours CFB Halifax
Commander Military Personnel Command visits CF H Svcs C (A) By Lt(N) Kristian Cunningham, CF H Svcs C (A) On Monday April 29, CF H Svcs C (A) was honored to receive a visit from Commander Military Personnel Command (CMPC) LGen Charles Lamarre, CMM, MSC, CD. After a visit, which […]
JRCC behind the scenes
When you’re in peril on the high seas….what happens behind the scenes? By Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (Halifax) Something has gone wrong on your vessel in the North Atlantic. The seas are rough, the weather is uncompromising. You call for help over coast guard radio, on your cell phone or […]