Author: Trident Newspaper


Halifax region NDWCC: Mid-Campaign Update | Campagne de CCMTDN de la région d’Halifax: Bilan de mi-campagne 

  Halifax region National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign 2022 Mid-Campaign Update  14 November 2022 To date, some highlights of the campaign include a number of kick-off barbeques, a golf tournament, a dragon boat regatta and a special Day of Caring activity in support of YWCA Halifax. The 2022 National Defence […]

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Exercise Joint Warrior

His Majesty’s Canadian Ships Kingston (seen here, far left) and Summerside took part in the UK-led NATO Exercise Joint Warrior in the English Channel from October 1-12. The biannual exercise saw 45 ships and submarines and 30 aircraft taking part, with sailors, soldiers and aircrew from, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, […]