HMCS Shawinigan and HMCS Summerside are continuing their Operation Reassurance deployment with Standing Nato Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1), where they recently took part in historic ordnance disposal operations in French territorial waters. During these operations, Shawinigan welcomed current SNMCMG1 Commander, Cdr Piotr Bartosewicz of the Polish Navy, for a […]
Author: Trident Newspaper
Thank you for your assistance during Operation Lentus
Thank you for your assistance during Operation Lentus Dear members of the Canadian Armed Forces, We want to express our profound appreciation for the exceptional work you have done in response to this year’s unprecedented forest fire season. Your unwavering dedication to our mission and the well-being of those in […]
Naval community, survivors reflect on legacy of HMCS Kootenay disaster
Naval community, survivors reflect on legacy of HMCS Kootenay disaster By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The current commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 1988, almost 20 years after the explosion at sea aboard HMCS Kootenay on October 23, 1969. Like all Canadian sailors, Rear-Admiral Josée […]
Padre’s Corner: Hanging in there when I feel like letting go
Padre’s Corner: Hanging in there when I feel like letting go By Lt(N) Padre Graeme Carruth, MFRC Chaplain I recall an experience I had just after finishing basic training. I was an 18-year-old AB (S2 in today’s Navy) and the unit was doing late winter war games in Borden. As […]
NDWCC Face of Base: MCpl Marie LeBlanc
NDWCC Face of Base: MCpl Marie LeBlanc By CFB Halifax Meet our first 2023 National Defence Team Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC) Face of Base: Master Corporal (MCpl) Marie LeBlanc, a dedicated member of Military Police Unit (MPU) Halifax. Born in Moncton, New Brunswick, and raised here in Halifax, MCpl LeBlanc’s […]
Homecoming followed by a Change of Command
After arriving back in Halifax on October 3 following a six-month Indo-Pacific deployment on Operation Projection, HMCS Montréal held a Change of Command ceremony on board on October 5, welcoming Cdr Travis Bain as the ship’s new Commanding Officer. Cmdre Trevor MacLean, Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, presided over the ceremony, […]
Trinity unveils new smudging area ahead of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Trinity unveils new smudging area ahead of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Since joining the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) in 2019, Sailor 1st Class Grace Assiginack says she’s actively sought ways to incorporate her Indigenous culture into her military career. After careful planning and […]
Seasonal Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics 2023
Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Atlantic) Seasonal Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics 2023 Flu season is approaching. Routine annual influenza and COVID-19 immunization is strongly recommended for all CAF members, Regular or Reserve, who obtain their usual medical care from Canadian Forces Health Services. Vaccinations are not mandatory; however, they […]
Volume 57, Issue 21, October 16, 2023
Click on issue cover to view publication.
Then y’ar a Bluenose!
Then y’ar a Bluenose! By Nathalie Garcia, Canadian Submarine Force Few of us have visited Canada’s North, even fewer will sail the Arctic Ocean. Only the more adventurous of us would attempt such a voyage and dare to disturb Neptune! Four members of the Canadian Submarine Force recently had this […]