RAdm Josée Kurtz, Commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) and Joint Task Force Atlantic, hosted an Honours and Awards ceremony on November 16, recognizing more than 25 members of the formation with awards including the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal, the Canadian Joint Operations Command Commendation, Commander MARLANT Commendation, and Maritime Component Commander Commendation.

The Province of Nova Scotia Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal was presented to the following personnel:
- LCdr A.J. Blackwood formerly of HMCS Montréal,
- Ms. Carla Bull formerly of Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic),
- LCol R.D.M. Matthews of 36 Canadian Brigade Group,
- LCdr E.M.J. Richardson formerly of Naval Fleet School (Atlantic),
- Mr. J.M. Wilson, Lt(N) (Retd) formerly of Maritime Forces Atlantic Headquarters.
The Canadian Joint Operations Command Commendation was presented to PO1 T.L. Belanger as a result of her efforts on September 12, 2022 in providing lifesaving assistance to a colleague who was suffering a serious medical emergency while returning to theatre in support of Operation IMPACT.
The Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic Certificate of Achievement (MARLANT BZ Award) was presented to the following recipients:
Ms. Danielle Cook – in recognition of her outstanding leadership and unparalleled dedication to the Indigenous Defence Team community as the Civilian Co-Chair of the formation’s Advisory Group from April 2021 to May 2023.
Lt(N) S.E. Dawe – for her exceptional professionalism and leadership as Operations Officer in HMCS Summerside during the pre-deployment preparations for Operation REASSURANCE from February to June 2022.
Lt(N) P.F. Downing – for his dedication, technical ability, and leadership as the Assistant Marine Systems Engineering Officer during the pre-deployment preparations for Operation REASSURANCE in HMCS Fredericton from April 2022 to January 2023.

MS A.C. Holland – for his outstanding leadership, dedication, and work ethic during pre-deployment preparations for Operation PROJECTION West Africa 2023 in HMCS Moncton in the fall of 2022.
Lt(N) J.A. Kavanagh – for her actions on March 25, 2023 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in controlling the scene, rendering first aid to a stabbing victim, and providing care until paramedics arrived.
Defence Resource Management Information System Centre of Excellence – the nine member team consisting of Petty Officer 2nd class Holly Green – DRMIS Specialist Warehouse Manager; Mr. Michael Jamieson – Training and Development Officer; Mr. Peter Jozsa – DRMIS Support; Mr. Andy Keeping – Training and Development Officer; Mr. Patrick Lavigne – Analyst IT Project Services; Ms. Sharon MacIsaac – DRMIS Specialist Material Management; Mr. Andrias Rihimaki – Naval Engineering Test Establishment; Ms. Monica Ruitta – Resource Centre Team Lead, and Master Sailor David Sandford – DRMIS Specialist Warehouse, was recognized for the development of a Mentorship Program and their efforts in avoiding write-off action, resulting in positive operational and financial gains for the formation.
The Maritime Component Commander’s Certificate of Achievement (MCC BZ Award) was presented to the following recipients:
PO2 S.J. Darrigan – for is exceptional leadership and determination as Chief Cook in HMCS Kingston during Operation REASSURANCE from June to October 2022. His actions enabled the ship to host two critically important strategic engagements in Klaipeda, Lithuania, and Dieppe, France.
S3 J.P. De Ramos – for his professionalism and leadership from January to March 2023 while deployed in HMCS Glace Bay on Operation PROJECTION West Africa and subsequently diverted to Operation GLOBE. His efforts in mission planning were vital to a seamless transition between Operations.
LCdr J.R. Gallant – as the Canadian Liaison Officer to the NATO Task Group Staff as part of Operation REASSURANCE from July to October 2022, his efforts enabled the first-ever full integration of HMCS Kingston and Summerside into the NATO Mine Countermeasures Group.
S1 M.T. Page – displayed strong performance as a Main Propulsion Supervisor while deployed on Operation REASSURANCE in HMCS Summerside from June to October 2022, a position normally above his rank, playing an important role in sustaining the ship’s readiness throughout the deployment.