DND Psychologists serving CAF Members By Dr. Emily Orr, R.Psych, CF H Svcs C (A) February is National Psychology Month. It is therefore a great opportunity to define the typical occupational responsibilities of psychologists, while also highlighting the role and contributions of DND psychologists serving CAF members in MARLANT. At […]
Author: Trident Newspaper
Rolling up sleeves for Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Blood Services held its first CFB Halifax blood drive of the year on February 1 at Juno Tower. Seventy-nine Defence Team members attended the clinic, surpassing the goal of 58 donations. The next blood drive will take place on May 10 in the Juno Tower Atlantic Room.
MCDVs sail to Op PROJECTION West Africa
RCN building on previous deployments with Op PROJECTION West Africa By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff For the third year in a row, two of Canada’s Kingston-class ships are headed toward the Gulf of Guinea for a four-month deployment to Op PROJECTION West Africa. HMC Ships Shawinigan and Kingston departed Halifax […]
Toronto Raptors host CAF Appreciation Night
The Toronto Raptors hosted more than 400 CAF members, including a number of Naval Reservists from HMCS York, at their 12th annual Canadian Armed Forces Appreciation Night on January 17. The team played to 111-109 victory over the Phoenix Suns at Scotiabank Arena in Toronto. Tickets for CAF members are […]
Commander MARLANT Honours & Awards Ceremony
Exceptional service recognized at Honours and Awards Ceremony By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As the Executive Officer of HMCS St.John’s while deployed to Op REASSURANCE in 2017, then LCdr Scott Nelson spent weeks tracking Russian naval forces near Syria, including a Kilo-class diesel submarine. Now, as the Commanding Officer as […]
Staying sharp
Members the Naval Tactical Operations Group onboard HMCS Toronto conduct small arms training on the on the ship’s flight deck during Operation REASSURANCE, January 23, 2019.
Volume 53, Issue 03, February 11, 2019
Click on issue cover to view publication.
Canadian Surface Combatant design selected
The Government of Canada has officially selected Lockheed Martin Canada for the design of 15 new Canadian Surface Combatants that will be built at Irving Shipbuilding’s Halifax Shipyard. The announcement was made in Halifax on February 8 by Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility. The winning bid […]
CTF 150 drug seizures
Canada-led CTF 150 mission starting off strong By Lt(N) Linda Coleman, Public Affairs Officer, CTF 150 Commodore Darren Garnier of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) officially assumed command of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 on December 6, 2018, during a change of command ceremony held at Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) […]
Remembering victims of gender-based violence
Fredericton sailors pay tribute to victims of gender-based violence By LS Harveer Gill, HMCS Fredericton On Friday, December 6, the Ship’s Company of HMCS Fredericton took to Tribute Tower at CFB Halifax for the Annual Hands to Dinner. Immediately following the CO’s address – the room filled with laughter and […]