Health Promotion spotlight: Lt(N) Audrey-Maude Robitaille By Joy Geizer, Health Promotion Services (CFB Halifax) It is common for our Health Promotion (HP) team to see familiar faces over several of our programs. They might be Sentinels, members preparing for deployment, or folks looking to develop supervisory skills on their way […]
Author: Trident Newspaper
Big turnout for NFS(A) Sports Day
Members of Naval Fleet School (Atlantic) were out in full force on July 17 for their unit Sports Day, with several different activities taking place across the base. The day included a morning walk/run through HMC Dockyard, ball hockey and soccer at Stadacona, slo-pitch at Windsor Park, and more! Thanks […]
Volume 58, issue 15, July 22, 2024
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Flag raising marks start of Halifax Pride Festival
On the morning of July 18, members of the Atlantic Defence Team Pride Advisory Organization and local Defence Team members joined together at Base Headquarters (Stadacona S90) and 12 Wing main gate for flag raising ceremonies marking the start of the Halifax Pride Festival. The Intersex-Inclusive Pride flag was raised […]
Padre’s Corner: Do you have enough peace to fight?
Padre’s Corner: Do you have enough peace to fight? By Padre Lt(N) Clarke Dixon, Chaplain, MARLANT & JTFA During my formative years, Canadians prided themselves on peacekeeping, but we all accept that the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) must be ready for combat. We are in the profession of arms and […]
A new chapter for HMCS Margaret Brooke: Cdr Share steps in
A new chapter for HMCS Margaret Brooke: Cdr Share steps in By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff HMCS Margaret Brooke has marked its first change of command since the ship’s delivery to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) in 2021. Commander (Cdr) Teri Share took over from Cdr Nicole Robichaud as the […]
Command Chief Petty Officer Pascal Harel takes over for CPO1 Lizotte
Command Chief Petty Officer Pascal Harel takes over for CPO1 Lizotte By RCN The Change of Appointment Ceremony for the 22nd Command Chief Petty Officer was held on July 11 at National Defence Headquarters Carling in Ottawa. Chief Petty Officer First Class (CPO1) Pascal Harel took over from CPO1 Thomas […]
HMCS Summerside assists with drug seizures
His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Summerside, deployed on Operation Caribbe, took part in two significant seizures of illicit material at sea in recent weeks. Working alongside United States Navy and Coast Guard partners, Summerside assisted in capturing roughly 620 kg of contraband on June 28. Another interdiction of a suspicious […]
HMCS Montréal hosts Canada-Korea street hockey tournament
The ship’s company of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Montréal has been keeping active during their ongoing Operation Horizon deployment in the Indo-Pacific. Sailors have been taking shifts cycling on board in support of the 2024 Navy Bike Ride, and the ship recently hosted a day-long street hockey tournament while […]
HMCS St. John’s raises funds ahead of charity run
HMCS St. John’s raises funds ahead of charity run By Nathan Stone, Trident staff Dozens of sailors and civilian employees lined up to grab lunch and support the Make-A-Wish Foundation at the last of a series of charity barbecues hosted by the crew of HMCS St. John’s in His Majesty’s […]