Divers from the Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) were tasked to locate and remove unexploded ordnance from ships off Newfoundland and Labrador in July 2019. SS Saganaga was one such ship. According to uboat.net, the ship was a British merchant cruiser. On September 5, 1942, U-513 entered Conception Bay and attacked […]
Other News
Sailor of the Quarter
Sailor of the Quarter proved herself during Exercise FORMIDABLE SHIELD By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff AB Jasmine Abdi may not technically be a member of the ship’s company of HMCS St. John’s, but that didn’t stop her from becoming a key member of the crew during a recent overseas exercise. […]
CFB Halifax welcomes summer students
Welcome students, to the Defence Team Halifax By Colleen MacKinnon, Learning and Performance Management Specialist, Atlantic Learning and Career Centres, DND The Learning and Career Centre hosted two Student Orientation to the DND Workshops on June 26 at the Piers Military Community Centre in Windsor Park, and July 16 […]
CFB Halifax summer student orientation
CFB Halifax Base Commander Capt(N) David Mazur (left) and Base Chief CPO1 Kent Gregory (right) welcomed high school students from the Federal Student Work Experience (FSWEP) program to the Base during a student orientation session on July 16 at Base headquarters. We’re very proud to have these students as a […]
Using exercise as medicine
Using exercise as medicine: Cpl Tyler Major By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Getting active again after recovering from a physical injury or bout of illness is always difficult, and on top of any physical challenges, mental roadblocks can also have an impact. Cpl Tyler Major, an Avionics Tech with 12 […]
New Commander CANFLTLANT
Outgoing CCFL credits team for adapting to change By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The first of the Royal Canadian Navy’s future fleet of Canadian Surface Combatant ships won’t be set to for acceptance until the mid-2020s, and while that may seem like a far off date, Cmdre Craig Skjerpen doesn’t […]
12 Wing Change of Command
Col Hawthorne takes command at 12 Wing Shearwater By Capt Lynne Patterson, 12 Wing PAO Col James Hawthorne assumed the duties of 12 Wing Commander during a change of command parade at 12 Wing Shearwater on July 18, 2019. BGen Sean Boyle, Deputy Commander 1 Canadian Air Division, was the […]
HMCS Oriole sails on Lake Ontario
OS Shaheed Joe-Dewarder adjusts lines aboard HMCS Oriole while transiting Lake Ontario during the Great Lakes Deployment, July 3, 2019.
Padre’s Corner
Theological reflection on spirituality resiliency in deployment By Capt Albert Lee, CANFLTLANT Chaplain Deployment is a challenge for sailors. Experiences such as traumatic events during war can lead to questioning your values, meaning of life, death and trying to make sense of what happened. Spirituality can help sailors cope by […]
Golf course by the sea
Atlantic Region Golf Championships took place at Hartlen Point Golf Club from July 8 to 10, 2019. Teams from Gagetown, 14 Wing Greenwood, CFB Halifax, 9 Wing Gander and 12 Wing Shearwater participated in the tournament,