Formation Chaplaincy
How many people work in the Formation Chaplain team?
The Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) Formation chaplain team is comprised of 18 personnel from senior leaders through to the newest basic training list (BTL) chaplains. The team also includes two civilian administrative assistants who help keep everyone organized.
What are the responsibilities of the Formation Chaplain team?
In the broadest sense, the team is responsible for fostering the spiritual, religious, and pastoral care of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and their families, regardless of religious affiliation, practice, and/or belief.
How does the Formation Chaplain team support CAF members and/or operations?
Chaplains are unique as they have privileged access to CAF members of all ranks, have no command authority, and are prohibited from bearing arms. Their support takes many forms including: providing an active, personal and supportive presence; officiating at special events; providing compassionate and caring support during, and following, significant life events and incidents; advising the Chain of Command regarding spiritual/religious accommodation issues, ethical dilemmas pertaining to the Formation/Unit/Squadron.
They work in all military environments with members of the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. CAF chaplains provide an active, personal and supportive presence, and offer spiritual and personal growth programmes and events throughout the year. CAF chaplains can work in Canada, be posted outside of Canada or may be required to go abroad during operations.
For more information about The Royal Canadian Chaplain Service click here.
Where is the Formation Chaplain team located?
The chaplain team is spread across most of Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax; from 12 Wing Shearwater to Naval Fleet School Atlantic (NFS(A)), the chapel at Stadacona, as well as the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC). However, their two main office hubs are Stadacpma building S90 (the “Pink Palace”) Room 324 and the Fleet Chaplain office at His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) Dockyard, D166, Door 5.
Are there any noteworthy achievements or interesting facts to share about the team?
The team provides quality chaplain support to more than 10,000 CAF members and civilian DND employees who work and live in and around the Halifax Regional Municipality. The team’s support is highly responsive and not just confined to business hours, but available 24/7/365. The H&R MFRC First Team will link anyone in need with the duty chaplain by calling 902-427-7788 anytime.
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