Base Service Spotlights

Base Logistics Material Control Division’s D206 Main Warehouse

How many people work in the Base Logistics Material Control Division’s D206 Main Warehouse?

 The D206 Main Warehouse team has approximately 70 employees consisting of a mix of military and civilian personnel.


What types of activities take place in the D206 Main Warehouse?

The Base Logistics Material Control Division (MCD) manages material support services including material order processing, identification, inspection, warehousing, distribution, shipping, packaging, and disposal to MARLANT and its Integral and Lodger Units. One of the division’s facilities, the D206 Main Warehouse, has five main sections: Packaging and Crating, Issues, Forward Delivery, Return Stores, and Receipts.

The warehouse’s Packaging and Crating section ensures Canadian Forces Supply System (CFSS) materials are packaged and crated with the respective level of protection necessary to prevent any damage during the distribution process. The section has a new EZ Box, Automated Box maker that provides its employees the ability to make cardboard boxes to the exact size required resulting in efficient and effective packaging.

After a ship or unit orders materiel items, the warehouse technicians pull the items from warehouse storage and places them in the issues section. The warehouse’s Issues section will then issue the items to the units requesting them. Once issued the items will either go to forward delivery or be held in the Fleet Issue Centre until a Material Management Technician (storesperson) from the unit can come pick it up.

The warehouse’s Forward Delivery Team facilitates transportation of all the local material that needs movement, either to the unit designated or to one of the external warehouses. They do daily shipping runs between Stadacona, Shearwater, Willow Park, Repair and Disposal, and mail runs. Not only do they deliver but they will also pick up items for the warehouse.

The warehouse’s Return Stores section accepts serviceable and non-serviceable CFSS assets being returned from both ships and Supply Customer Accounts.

Finally, the Receipts Section receipts materiel item into DRMIS, bins them away and places the items where another warehouse technician can place them in their assigned/designated storage areas. The Receipts Section team also receipts new items from government contracts, ensures technical inspectors do a quality check on all items, and either places them in storage or issues them to a unit requiring those items.


How does the D206 Main Warehouse support CAF members and/or operations?

As part of the larger Material Control Division, the D206 Main Warehouse team is instrumental in supporting operational readiness and effectiveness through efficient materiel and parts management. The team supports a wide range of operations including domestic exercises, international deployments, humanitarian missions, and emergency response. It ensures our Canadian Armed Forces units are equipped with the necessary materiel to maintain operational readiness and mission effectiveness.


Where is the D206 Main Warehouse team located?

 The warehouse is located at HMC Dockyard in building D206, 2519 Provo Wallis Street. 


Are there any noteworthy achievements or interesting facts to share about the D206 Main Warehouse team?

 Over the last year the team has supported Royal Canadian Navy ship deployments on 13 operations such as Op REASSURANCE, Op PROJECTION, and Op NANOOK.

In 2023, the warehouse  team shipped a total of 2,834,727.667 lbs (8,586 pieces) of materiel while receiving a total of 7,046,133.122 lbs (11,300 pieces) of materiel.



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