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Author: Trident Newspaper
Padre’s Corner: Spiritual spring cleaning
Padre’s Corner: Spiritual spring cleaning By Padre Lt(N) Tim Parker, BAdm Chaplain Publication of this edition of Trident (March 20) coincides with the first day of Spring. Our thoughts turn from the cold and dark of winter to the newness of spring as we look forward to the warmth of […]
2023 Ray Kline Memorial Hockey Tournament Champions
Did you know that the CFB Halifax Fire Department has a hockey team? Their team, the Skylarkers, recently won the Ray Kline Memorial Hockey Tournament with a hard fought 1-0 victory over Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency. Congratulations to the Skylarkers on their big win!
CFRC highlights women in the CAF during special enrolment ceremony
CFRC highlights women in the CAF during special enrolment ceremony By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre detachment in Halifax hosted a number of unique activities on March 8 to mark International Women’s Day, with an enrolment ceremony, honours and awards, candidate interviews, and more, all meant […]
Keeping watch
LCdr Christopher Heckman, Commanding Officer of HMCS Glace Bay, looks through a pair of binoculars while in the vicinity of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, during Operation Globe on March 6. After completing their recent Operation Projection deployment in West Africa, HMCS Glace Bay and HMCS Moncton were deployed to the waters off […]
National mental health project to benefit CAF sport
National mental health project to benefit CAF sport By Peter Mallet, The Lookout A new Mental Health and Sport Resource Hub is ready to help Canadian Armed Forces coaches and athletes contend with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) launched the Hub as part […]
Pink Shirt Day in Halifax
We are very happy to share some photos of our Defence Team celebrating Pink Shirt Day on February 22! Pink Shirt Day is an annual celebration that encourages people to wear a pink shirt to take a stand against bullying while promoting respect for all. Pink Shirt Day was inspired by an […]
Health Promotion: Spring courses open for registration
Health Promotion: Spring courses open for registration By the Health Promotion Team The Health Promotion team is happy to announce the following courses are open for registration. Respect in the CAF (RitCAF) 23rd of March, 0800-1600hrs, Willow Park 4th of April, 0800-1600hrs, Shearwater Alcohol, Other Drugs, Gambling and Gaming […]
Sign up for new PSP Halifax social clubs
Sign up for new PSP Halifax social clubs By CFB Halifax Public Affairs Did you know that CFB Halifax now offers even more social, athletic and wellness opportunities for local Defence Team personnel? PSP Halifax recently launched the CFB Halifax Sports & Social Club and the 12 Wing Shearwater Wellness […]
Padre’s Corner: Life does not need to be perfect to be good
Padre’s Corner: Life does not need to be perfect to be good By Padre Capt Troy Dennis, Senior Base Chaplain, CFB Halifax As I left the house one morning not long ago, I looked up and noticed a particularly clear sky. I turned slowly to take in the beauty of […]