Author: Trident Newspaper


Hosting a safe holiday party

Hosting a safe holiday party By The Health Promotion Team, Have you considered reducing alcohol at your party? Seriously, hear us out…  It is the season to celebrate with friends, family, and coworkers. Traditionally, that means copious amounts of alcohol. But it seems the culture has been starting to shift. […]


MARLANT Energy Awareness Week 2023

MARLANT Energy Awareness Week 2023  By MARLANT Safety & Environment MARLANT Energy Awareness Week (EAW) took place from November 20-24, 2023. During the week, representatives from MARLANT Safety & Environment and Forces for Energy Efficiency set up informational booths to educate and raise awareness on energy conservation and to highlight […]


Stealth, lethality, persistence: Commander RCN talks submarines in Halifax

Stealth, lethality, persistence: Commander RCN talks submarines in Halifax By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff With Canada’s Victoria-class submarines roughly a decade away from the beginning of their decommissioning, the Royal Canadian Navy is tasked with considering the future of the Canadian Submarine Force, as well as explaining the important role […]


Padre’s Corner: Vulnerability

Padre’s Corner: Vulnerability By LCdr David Jackson Senior Fleet Chaplain, Canadian Fleet Atlantic I recently watched a TED Talk shared by Brené Brown called, “The Power of Vulnerability”. In it, Brown shares a definition of shame as “fear of disconnection.” The idea being that people often struggle with their self-worth […]