Author: Trident Newspaper


Sailor of the Quarter

Sailor of the Quarter proved herself during Exercise FORMIDABLE SHIELD By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff AB Jasmine Abdi may not technically be a member of the ship’s company of HMCS St. John’s, but that didn’t stop her from becoming a key member of the crew during a recent overseas exercise. […]


New Commander CANFLTLANT

Outgoing CCFL credits team for adapting to change By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The first of the Royal Canadian Navy’s future fleet of Canadian Surface Combatant ships won’t be set to for acceptance until the mid-2020s, and while that may seem like a far off date, Cmdre Craig Skjerpen doesn’t […]


Padre’s Corner

Theological reflection on spirituality resiliency in deployment By Capt Albert Lee, CANFLTLANT Chaplain Deployment is a challenge for sailors. Experiences such as traumatic events during war can lead to questioning your values, meaning of life, death and trying to make sense of what happened. Spirituality can help sailors cope by […]