Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessel (AOPV) – High Voltage Training
By Tom Gallant,
Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton
With the acquisition of the Harry DeWolf Class of Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessels comes a new capability within the fleet. The inclusion of High Voltage Marine Propulsion systems ushers in a new way of considering ship design for navy and maintenance to maintain the ships capability. With this come new requirements for safety of personnel and considerations about how we conduct business here at FMF Cape Scott and Cape Breton.
AOPS will be maintained under a new maintenance structure for Non-Combatant Vessels: The AJISS Enterprise solution, which introduced a contractor lead solution with support from Fleet and the Coastal FMFs to maintain both the AOPV and the Joint Support Ships (Protecteur Class). Regardless of the form of maintenance contract envisioned, the FMF’s must be able to meet the demands required; this however, includes training and requirements for High Voltage electrical systems (HV).
To meet this demand, a joint working group has been stood up for almost a year. The focus is to arrange and deliver training; as defined by authorities, necessary to maintain and operate HV Platforms. This has led to two distinct streams as we split civilian and military personnel for training.
In consultation with industry leaders (BC Hydro, Ontario Power Generation, NS Power, local unions, as well as federal and provincial safety standards) plans are underway to design, implement, and conduct industry recognized training within dockyard – achieving a high rate of sustained and fully capable people to work on any level of electrical system (provided you are already an electrician). Outside of this, any person working onboard will require basic HV electrical safety, as such training initiatives are being considered and offered now at FMF CS and will make it west soon. This will allow FMF to support and maintain the AOPV, providing excellence at all times.