NDWCC Home Coordination Team Q&A Resources
Events/Initiatives Articles & Video Recognition Get Involved
Are you or your unit planning an NDWCC fundraising event that is open to all local Defence Team members? You can use this form to submit your event to be included in the Halifax Region NDWCC Weekly Update which will be distributed each Monday during the campaign via Base-wide email, CFB Halifax social media channels, and posted to the Trident NDWCC website. Email event submission forms to NDWCCHalifax@forces.gc.ca and keep an eye out for events you might want to attend!
September 20: NDWCC Kick-off BBQ
Join us for our 2024 NDWCC kick-off BBQ on September 20 at HMC Dockyard next to the Base Logistics D206 warehouse from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.! Monitor the MARLANT intranet, Trident Newspaper website, Base-wide email and CFB Halifax social media channels for more information.
September 27: NDWCC Dragon Boat Race
Dragon Boat East (Dartmouth). Teams of 16 at $1600 per boat/team. To register a team, please contact Lt Connor Adams (Connor.Adams@forces.gc.ca). Monitor the MARLANT intranet, Trident Newspaper website, Base-wide email and CFB Halifax social media channels for more information.
October 1: NDWCC Golf Tournament
0830 hrs at Hartlen Point Golf Club
$100 non-club members | $80 club members
This event includes 18 holes of golf (four person scramble), complimentary snacks, 50/50 draw and prizes. It is open to the first 30 teams of four to register.
To register, please make payment by phone or in person to Kerri MacDonald 721-0331 | kerri-lee.macdonald@forces.gc.ca Bldg S-90, Suite 232. (cash, debit or credit). Open to local Defence Team members (military and civilian). Bookings for golf carts & clubs can be made by calling 902-465-3038