Members of the Defence community took to the streets of Halifax’s North End for in the inaugural CFB Halifax Walk on March 7. Walks are approximately three kilometres in length and will take place the last Wednesday of every month, beginning with a PSP-led warmup in front of Base Headquarters, […]
Author: Trident Newspaper
Medical Officer in West Africa
From St. John’s to Benin: Medical Officer shares knowledge in West Africa By Lt(N) Jeff Lura, PAO, Op PROJECTION West Africa On March 1, 2019, sailors from HMC ships Kingston and Shawinigan arrived at Foyer Don Bosco, a small school in Cotonou, Benin nested within West Africa’s largest open-air market. […]
Alongside in Guam
Crewmembers from HMCS Regina and NRU Asterix play ball hockey at Naval Base Guam, U.S., while deployed on Operation PROJECTION, March 5, 2019.
New CO for HMCS Montréal
Cdr Michael Eelhart (right), outgoing Commanding Officer (CO), signs over command of HMCS Montréal to LCdr Christopher Devita (left) incoming CO, during a ceremony presided over by Capt(N) Andrew Hingston (centre), Deputy Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, at HMCS Scotian, on February 19, 2019.
Volume 53, Issue 06, March 25, 2019
Click on issue cover to view publication.
#CFBHalifax in the community
#CFBHalifax in the Community: PO1 Charles Bressette By Margaret Conway, CFB Halifax BPAO PO1 Charles Bressette has a busy work life at CFB Halifax. Currently employed as a Weapons Engineering Course Director with Naval Fleet School (Atlantic), he manages eight instructors who teach Royal Canadian Navy sailors about communications and […]
MARLANT celebrates Pink Shirt Day
Members of Maritime Forces Atlantic were proud to wear pink on Wednesday February 27 to raise awareness around bullying prevention and promoting organizational health and wellness in the workplace for the Defence Team. This group, including Formation Chief CPO1 Derek Kitching and Fleet Chief CPO1 Tim Blonde, works in D201 […]
Medal of Bravery for RCN officer
RCN officer receives Medal of Bravery for saving fellow sailor By Mike Avery, MARPAC PA On February 23, 2017, HMCS Fredericton was conducting a replenishment at sea with a foreign tanker. Fredericton had just begun receiving fuel from the tanker when the span wire connected to both ships snapped. The […]
OS Benjamin’s leap of faith
OS Benjamin’s leap of faith By RCN PA “I joined the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) because I wanted to challenge myself, experience new things and be a part of something great,” said OS Benjamin who joined the RCN in 2016. During her last year of university she knew she had […]
Staying fit at sea
Members of HMCS Kingston conduct physical training at the Port of Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire during Operation PROJECTION West Africa, February 23, 2019.