A message from the CFB Halifax Base Commander regarding work arrangements beyond April 6, 2020
By Capt(N) David Mazur,
Base Commander, CFB Halifax
On Friday, March 13, 2020, our CFB Halifax leadership team announced that the Base would be following national CAF/DND direction in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and reverting to core and critical services only. All Defence Team personnel not performing core and critical services on Base were directed to work from home, where possible. This direction was issued for a three-week period, ending on Monday, April 6, 2020.
We are now reaching the end of that three-week period, and it’s evident that much work has been done to help curb the spread of COVID-19 within our local Defence Team and the greater community. However, we must continue protecting the capability of our Base team and the larger Formation to support ongoing international and domestic operations, while building and maintaining a capacity to respond to future Requests for Assistance (RFAs) across Canada. This will allow us to maintain core business while ensuring we are prepared to support our communities and our country, if asked to do so. The Chief of Defence Staff has released FRAGO 004 to Operation LASER 20-01, which formalizes the activities to be conducted to initialize and set the force in response to the COVID 19 challenges being faced by Canada, while also setting the framework for activation and potential employment of the DND/CAF team should the need arise.
For this reason, CFB Halifax will continue maintaining core and critical services only beyond Monday, April 6, 2020. This direction is to be followed by military and civilian members of Base Executive Services, Base Administration, Base Information Services, Base Logistics and Port Operations and Emergency Services until further notice. All other Defence Team personnel within Base branches, both military and civilian, are to continue working from home unless otherwise directed by their respective Chains of Command. During this time, it is imperative that you continue to ready yourselves, and your families, so that we are able to mobilize our capability on short notice to respond to any demands placed on us in support of operations.
Military and civilian Defence Team personnel who do not fall within the Base Commander’s direct chain of command, including those employed within lodger units and the greater MARLANT Formation, should defer to instruction from their respective supervisors and leadership teams.
Many CFB Halifax activities, events and facilities will remain inactive/closed until further notice, including:
- Group activities and events;
- Visits and tours;
- CAF sports activities including PSP Halifax Special Interest Activities (Curling, Golf, Falls Lake, Yacht Club, etc.);
- Dockyard and 12 Wing Shearwater Fitness, Sports and Recreation Centres and all mini gyms;
- The Naval Museum of Halifax and Shearwater Aviation Museum; and
- Dining halls and messes for all but essential services, focused on members who live on Base and individuals supporting critical operations or Force Generation activities.
We urge you all, whether working on Base or at home, to continue practicing good hand hygiene; using cough and sneeze etiquette; cleaning high-touch surfaces and objects often; and practicing physical distancing in order to protect yourselves and others. You’re also encouraged to keep informed of the latest local and national responses to COVID-19. Keep following the CFB Halifax Facebook page for daily, Base-specific updates (available in both English and French). These updates also list provincial and federal information, guidelines and resources. Members should also review existing materials about the Defence Team response to COVID-19 and download the HR GO RH app to receive regular and relevant updates.
We thank you for your ongoing efforts, support, patience and flexibility as we continue responding to this global pandemic alongside all Canadians and citizens around the world.
Stay safe and stay well.