The Military to Civilian Transition (MCT) process
By CAF Transition Unit NS/NL
The Canadian Armed Forces is reinventing the transition process, and this change is coming to Halifax on March 1, 2023!
What exactly is this new MCT process? This new transition process is characterized by using a personalized, professional, standardized, and humanistic approach in supporting members and families to prepare for and plan the transition to civilian life. A key dimension of this new approach is to ensure wellness along the seven domains of well-being: Purpose, Finances, Health, Social Integration, Life Skills, Housing and Physical Environment, and Cultural and Social Environment.
The MCT Process is a Member-Centric approach; you will be supported during your transition. CAF members may have many questions as they move from familiarity with the military system toward the relative independence and autonomy of civilian life. Therefore, the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group (CAF TG) team’s mission is to support transitioning members during this change, gathering together a support network of specialists focused on guiding the member and their family through the transition process.
Who else is involved? The CAF TG is collaborating with service partners, including Veterans Affairs Canada and Military Family Services under Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services to ensure more CAF members and their families can benefit from this member-centric transition process. We are here to enable your success, whether that means another opportunity in the CAF, or a transition to civilian life. Together, they are committed to making the transition seamless and smooth.
The MCT process provides options for internal transition (i.e., retention). Where possible, the CAF is committed to offering excellent internal transition opportunities for our people. Whenever someone is considering leaving the military, or is medically incapable of meeting the requirements of their current occupation, they should understand that there may be more options available to them besides leaving the CAF. The MCT process will assist members in exploring options for how to remain in the CAF. Transition Advisors will refer members to the Personnel Selection Officers (PSO) to explore internal transition opportunities.
Who can benefit from the new MCT process? By March 1, 2023, the MCT process will be available to all CAF members in Halifax releasing from the Regular Force. The MCT process will also be expanded to the Reserve Force, and it may also be used in augmenting existing supports for our Ill & Injured members. Here at CFB Halifax, the team at Transition Centre Halifax will be here to guide members to the right resources and ensure that members are supported in this important journey.
Plan your transition early in your career. The future is unpredictable. It is important that all CAF members are prepared for when the time comes to transition to civilian life – whether for an opportunity in the civilian workplace, or as a final retirement. Be proactive: access transition information, get transition guidance, and focus on seriously developing your Transition Plan at least 12 months prior to your intended Date of Release. Be ready when the time comes.
For more information, please contact the Halifax Transition Centre located at Windsor Park at (902) 722-1908, +TransitionServicesHalifax@forces.gc.ca, or consult the My Transition Guide: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/my-transition-guide.html