Presentation highlights link between Wiliam Hall and Hantsport
By MARLANT Public Affairs

A special namesake banner was presented from the Hantsport Area Historical Society to the command team of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) William Hall, on 19 October 2023. Aubree Brewster, the artist of the banner, helped illustrate the connection between the Hantsport community and William Hall, and showcase the wonderful talent of the Hantsport Elementary School.
William Hall, of Hants County, was the first Nova Scotian and one of the first Canadians to receive the Victoria Cross, the British Empire’s highest award for bravery. A naval hero, Hall as a young man worked in Hantsport for several years at the shipyards building wooden ships for the merchant marine.
The Hantsport & Area Historical Society had special banners created through the local elementary school to hang in the town of Hantsport and this year the theme was William Hall. One of the designers, Aubree Brewster, was given an opportunity to go aboard HMCS William Hall for a ship tour and present the ship’s command team with her banner to be hung in the ship.
Tour participants included: Jane Davis, VP of Hantsport & Area Historical Society, LCdr D. Lapham, Executive Officer, HMCS William Hall, CPO1 BJ Williamson, Coxswain, HMCS William Hall, student Aubree Brewster, Cdr S Kelemen, Commanding Officer, HMCS William Hall and Aubree’s mother Zoe Brewster.