Mariners take on First Responders at Scotiabank Centre By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Halifax Hurricanes of the National Basketball League of Canada hosted a First Responders’ Appreciation Night on February 26, but before their evening game, they offered their court at the Scotiabank Centre to a First Responders basketball […]
Other News
NA Indigenous Games 2020 Volunteer Launch
On February 21, CFB Halifax Base Commander Capt(N) David Mazur, Defence Aboriginal Advisory Group Champion Capt(N) Matt Bowen and other CAF/DND representatives attended the North American Indigenous Games 2020 Volunteer Launch at City Hall. The North American Indigenous Games is a multi-sport and cultural celebration showcasing Indigenous athletes from across […]
Volume 54, Issue 05, March 09, 2020
Click on issue cover to view publication.
Sailor profile: OS Dustin Renzelli
Sailor profile: OS Dustin Renzelli Current role: Supply Technician Hometown: Dartmouth Years of Service: 2 Home Unit: HMCS Toronto What was the best thing that happened in your life over this past year? The single best thing that happened to me in 2019 was being selected to take part in […]
Battle of the Atlantic: HMCS Spikenard
One ship’s story: HMCS Spikenard and her connection with the Crow’s Nest By CPO1 (ret’d) Patrick Devenish, CNMT During the War years 1939 – 1945, the Canadian Shipbuilding Industry completed four destroyers, 70 frigates, 123 corvettes, 122 minesweepers, 398 merchant vessels and over 3600 specialized vessels (LSTs, MTBs etc). Of […]
HMCS Toronto begins Docking Work Period
HMCS Toronto was lifted out of Halifax Harbour on the syncrolift on February 11, 2020 to begin her docking work period (DWP). During a tiered readiness program, HMC Ships deliberately prepare the ship and her company to float, to move, and to fight.
Padre’s Corner: Chapel renewal
Padre’s Corner: Chapel renewal By Capt Glen Eagleson, Chaplain, FCC(P) / MFRC / RCSU(A) Chaplain Coordinator / HMCS Scotian, CFB Halifax For several years now, the Protestant Community at CFB Halifax has been dwindling. There are several reasons for this; RCN personnel in hard navy trades spend most of their […]
Sailor profile: SLt Connor Paris
SLt Connor Paris Current role: Bridge Watch Keeper Hometown: Milton, Ontario Years of Service: 7.5 Home Unit: HMCS Ville de Quebec What was the best thing that happened in your life over this past year? The single best thing that happened in my life over the past year was receiving […]
Circuit training en route to Op PROJECTION
Crewmembers of HMCS Glace Bay participate in circuit training with kettle bells on the fo’c’sle during Op PROJECTION West Africa on February 2, 2020.
New mission for NS Naval Association of Canada
NS Naval Association of Canada charting new course By Cdr (ret’d) Len Canfield, NSNAC The 75 year-old Nova Scotia Naval Association of Canada (NSNAC), formerly called the Nova Scotia Naval Officers Association, has a new mission and branch structure to meet the challenges of the 21st century. At the recent […]