Padre’s Corner: What’s the point?
By Lt(N) (Padre) John Evans,
Chaplain, Canadian Fleet Atlantic
My son was diligently folding his laundry across from me as I prepared some lunch for the family. He rarely complained about doing his chores and this time was no different. However, I could tell that he was perturbed. He would have rather been upstairs, in his room, working on his newest and greatest Lego creation, or joining his sisters in their appealing exploits throughout the house.
In the middle of attempting to fold a shirt he exclaimed “Why do we even fold laundry anyway? What’s the point?” I could understand where his ten-year-old logic was coming from. Why was he folding a shirt he was just going to unfold the following day to put on? He couldn’t see the point.
This encounter reminds me of the importance of asking myself “What is the point?” This question is important because it gets to the core of our meaning, our purpose. As we fold the proverbial laundry, if we don’t have a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives as a whole, life can be very empty or bleak. The routine tasks of everyday life may not bring much joy. Our job, our relationships, our physical and mental health will suffer if we don’t explore and establish the reason why we are here.
Those of Jewish faith have just observed Passover, Muslims are currently observing the holy month of Ramadan, and Christians have just celebrated Easter. Whether you find meaning and purpose in something that is organized or not, it is important to search for something that is greater than yourself – something that will withstand the test of time and transcend your circumstances. If you have never explored these weighty issues, I encourage you to do so.
As my son dutifully folded his laundry and in frustration exclaimed what was gnawing away at his ten-year-old heart, he hit on something that was much more profound than he realized. I hope he finds his answer. Because I think it would be good for him to continue to fold his laundry.