Newly promoted Petty Officers celebrate with family, colleagues
By Trident Staff

A group of ten RCN sailors began the next phase of their naval careers during a special ceremony aboard HMCS Ville de Quebec on April 4, marking their promotion from the rank of Master Seaman to Petty Officer, 2nd Class.
These ceremonies are part of a new initiative that aims to recognize the hard work that goes into reaching this rank; they allow sailors a chance to properly celebrate this career milestone with their supervisors, peers and family members. As senior leaders noted, the promotion to PO2 brings big changes, including membership in a new mess and new responsibilities that leverage experience and leadership skills.
The ceremony was presided over by Fleet Chief CPO1 Tim Blonde and CCFL Cmdre Craig Skjerpen, who noted that personnel who reach these senior NCO ranks will be crucial as the RCN begins to introduce the Harry DeWolf-class and other new ships in the coming years.
The following sailors were promoted from Master Seaman to Petty Officer, 2nd Class during the ceremony:
- PO2 Frank Joseph Bastarache (HMCS Charlottetown)
- PO2 Cameron Fraser (HMCS St.John’s)
- PO2 Jonathan Guimond (HMCS Halifax)
- PO2 David Hatcher (Naval Fleet School (Atlantic))
- PO2 Michael Kostopoulos (HMCS Montreal)
- PO2 Douglas Noseworthy (FMF Cape Scott)
- PO2 Stefan Pickett (MOG 5)
- PO2 Chad Raymond (HMCS Charlottetown)
- PO2 Gabriel Tanguay (Naval Fleet School (Atlantic))
- PO2 Christopher Trask (HMCS Harry DeWolf)