By PSP Health Promotion

We are just shy of the official start of summer. We are getting so close to countless days filled with fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, beach picnics and evening barbecues. With the long days and warm evenings in mind, we wanted to inspire you to take advantage of all the locally grown produce that our province has to offer.
During the summer months, fresh produce grows in abundance, benefiting us with easy access to consume and support local all while maintaining a well-balanced diet. When planning and preparing your meals, the key to a balanced diet is colour. Not only is a colourful plate appealing to the eyes, it provides us with essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals, contributing to our overall health and reducing the risk of disease.
So, how can you incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet this summer? Be creative! Make a savoury salad with lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes, or make it sweet by mixing in some fresh berries; grill vegetables in a tray on the barbeque with a tablespoon of olive oil and seasonings; make a colourful charcuterie board with all local produce and protein; and, have fruits and vegetables in sight for snacking – pairing them with peanut butter, yogurt, cheese, salsa or nuts.
Follow your local Health Promotion team on Facebook (@PSPHalifaxHealthPromotion) for more nutritious and delicious suggestions this summer!