

Le leadership numérique de la MRC : Le capitaine de frégate Donald Thompson-Greiff

RCN Digital Leadership: Cdr Donald Thompson-Greiff By Elizabeth Wolfe, Business Analyst/Technical Advisor, Naval Personnel and Training Group In this series, we showcase digital leadership across the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) to illustrate how our enterprise solutions are successfully leveraged for the benefit of our teams. Born and raised in Calgary, […]


Le NCSM Scotian dirige la commémoration de la bataille de l'Atlantique à Chester

HMCS Scotian leads Battle of the Atlantic commemoration in Chester By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As he spoke to the crowd assembled at the Battle of the Atlantic Commemoration ceremony on May 7 in Chester, NS, LCdr Ron Hearnshaw said he was compelled to highlight the critical role that Canada’s […]