

Le concours de jeunes journalistes 2024

2024 Youth Reporter Competition By CFMWS  Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS) is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Youth Reporter Competition. This initiative is designed to inspire and engage young aspiring journalists and storytellers.   As National Newspaper Week celebrates the vital role newspapers play in delivering […]


Les PSP d'Halifax cherchent à revitaliser le flag football en organisant des séances d'entraînement 

PSP Halifax looks to revitalize flag football with training sessions Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff  Local military members with interest in flag football have been getting some professional pointers through a series of skill-building sessions on Stadacona’s Porteous Field.  Personnel Support Services (PSP) Halifax has partnered with Micah Brown of BATLX […]


Célébration des pionniers qui ont redéfini l'histoire et qui nous donnent du pouvoir aujourd'hui 

Celebrating the trailblazers who redefined history and empower us today  By Kim Roberge, Civilian co-chair, Defence Women’s Advisory Organization (Halifax) Women’s History Month in Canada is recognized annually in October and is a vital time for acknowledging and celebrating the countless contributions of women throughout our history. It’s about shining […]


Le Service de la logistique de la base apporte son soutien au convoi de camions des Jeux olympiques spéciaux de la Nouvelle-Écosse 

Base Logistics supports the Special Olympics Nova Scotia Truck Convoy  By Capt L. Cserhazi and CFB Halifax Public Affairs Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax’s Base Logistics (BLog) Transport, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (TEME) Division proudly supported the 13th Annual Truck Convoy on Saturday, September 21, an event that united Nova […]


Le NCSM Shawinigan et le NCSM Charlottetown, ainsi que nos alliés de l’OTAN, surveillent des navires de la marine russe en Europe de l’Ouest et dans la mer Méditerranée

HMCS Shawinigan, HMCS Charlottetown and NATO Allies monitor Russian Navy Vessels in Western Europe and Mediterranean Sea  By DND  From August 29th to September 18th, 2024, while conducting vigilance activities alongside NATO ships, His Majesty’s Canadian Ships (HMCS) Shawinigan and Charlottetown monitored Russian submarines and surface ships.  Beginning August 29th HMCS Shawinigan monitored a Russian submarine and surface vessel through […]