CFRC highlights women in the CAF during special enrolment ceremony
By Ryan Melanson,
Trident Staff
The Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre detachment in Halifax hosted a number of unique activities on March 8 to mark International Women’s Day, with an enrolment ceremony, honours and awards, candidate interviews, and more, all meant to highlight to the opportunities available for women in the Canadian Armed Forces.

The highlight of the day was welcoming four new members to the CAF family. While enrolment ceremonies are standard fare for the detachment, the occasion is always exciting, said Lt(N) Kelly Riggs, a military career counselor at CFRC who hosted the events. Being able to enroll four women on International Women’s Day, with a room full of proud family and female colleagues watching, added even more to the day, she said.
She congratulated the new candidates on their successful selection for service and employment in the CAF, meaning they’ve cleared the hurdle of aptitude tests and other screening procedures. She also encouraged the women to take a mental snapshot of the important day, to look back on as they progress in their careers.
“It’s a great honour and something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. We’ve worked diligently to ensure you have all the tools you need for success and a long career in the Canadian Armed Forces,” Lt(N) Riggs said to the enrollees.
“We’re proud to have you as part of the team.”
LCdr Brenda Nelson, Commanding Officer for CFRC in the Atlantic provinces, was on hand to conduct the enrolments, and also to recognize members of the detachment with a small honours and awards ceremony, presenting Canadian Forces Decoration awards to Cpl Bridget O’Donnell, as well as Cpl Courtney Ramsey, who received her CF Decoration – First Clasp.
“As we mark the very beginning of their careers for four women, we thought it would also be appropriate to recognize a couple female members of the Canadian Armed Forces, staff here at the Recruiting Centre, who are in the midst of their careers, for their years of decorated service,” she said.
In addition to the ceremonies, the entire day at CFRC was focused on women, with another group of candidates completing aptitude testing in the morning, and a number of interviews with female candidates taking place through the afternoon.
“A lot of work went into making this day happen and we’re very excited to be able to mark International Women’s Day in this way,” Lt(N) Riggs said.