RCN crewmembers from HMCS Summerside (left) compete against the Banana Splash team in the finals of the Cardboard Boat Race during the Lobster Carnival in Summerside, PEI. The team from HMCS Summerside won the event.
News Photo
Fast and furious
During Small Boat Training for junior officers and for bosuns on July 4, a RHIB zooms past Peggy’s Cove, to the delight of tourists visiting the lighthouse.
Target destroyed
Members of HMCS Shawinigan perform a 50 caliber weapons shoot en route to Ex TRADEWINDS 18, on June 2, 2018.
Cutting steel for the first Joint Support Ship
On Friday, June 15, the Honourable Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, observes as the steel is cut for the Royal Canadian Navy’s first Joint Support Ship (JSS), to be built at Seaspan Shipyards in North Vancouver, BC. Once completed, the two ships, to be named HMCS Protecteur and HMCS […]
Happy Canada Day from HMCS St. John’s
CAF members send Canada Day greetings from the flight deck of HMCS St. John’s during Op REASSURANCE.
Base Chief heads to Esquimalt
Left to right: Outgoing Maritime Forces Pacific Formation Chief, CPO1 Gilles Gregoire; RAdm Art McDonald, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific; and incoming Formation Chief, CPO1 Dave Steeves, sign the certificates during a Change of Appointment ceremony at the CFB Esquimalt Chiefs’ and Petty Officers’ Mess on May 31. CPO1 Steeves currently […]
Exercise TRADEWINDS 18
CAF Clearance Divers jump from the jetty to clear the docking area during Exercise TRADEWINDS 18 at the Prince George Wharf in Nassau, Bahamas on June 8, 2018.
12 Wing Family Fun Day
CAF members and their families participate in the 12 Wing Family Fun Day Run/Walk and Barbecue at 12 Wing Shearwater on May 18, 2018.
DND receives Community Spirit Award
DND received the Community Spirit Award at the United Way Halifax annual general meeting on May 22. This award, presented annually, pays tribute to extraordinary commitment and leadership to the community made by an individual or organization. United Way Halifax recognized DND for its service within the community in 2017, […]
HMCS Windsor Change of Command
A Change of Command ceremony for HMCS Windsor on June 3 saw LCdr Drew Matheson (left) assume command of the submarine from outgoing Commanding Officer Cdr Peter Chu (right). The small ceremony took place while alongside in Cadiz, Spain. Windsor has spent the last five months operating at sea.