CAF Women in Sports Grant: Applications now open
The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Women in Sports has recently transitioned their initiative into the CAF Women in Sports Program. This program is designed to address and reduce the obstacles and challenges that have historically impeded women’s full and equal participation in sports.
The Women in Sports Grant seeks to promote a more inclusive and equitable environment while empowering female participants – coaches, officials, and athletes within the armed forces, ensuring they have the necessary support and opportunities to succeed in their sporting endeavors. The goal is to support up to $3,000 per base/wing financially in their efforts to offer women in sports opportunities.
The following is a list of examples, albeit not exhaustive, of the type of financial support that is available:
- Guest speaker fee
- Engagement of coaching services
- Facility rental fee
- Golf Training Lessons
- Hockey/Powerskating Clinic
- Learn to Lift Clinic
All applications must be routed through either the local Manager of Fitness, Sports & Recreation or the designated Sports Coordinator. Canadian Armed Forces Members may complete the application form, but their request will be forwarded to their appropriate Sports Coordinator prior to approval. This centralized process ensures streamlined communication and adherence to established protocols.
For more information on the grant and how to apply, please visit CAF Women in Sports Program, or contact Amber Fehr, CAF Sports Coordinator. Applications must be submitted via the application form via cfmws.ca prior to March 15, 2025.