2024 Halifax & Shearwater Region National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC): Champion’s Message
Local Defence Team,

2024 Halifax & Shearwater region NDWCC Champion
Base Commander, CFB Halifax
Welcome to the 2024 National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC)! I am thrilled to be leading local campaign efforts as the 2024 NDWCC Champion for the Halifax and Shearwater region.
For those of you who may be new to this campaign, the NDWCC offers Defence Team members a direct line to support over 86,000 registered Canadian charities including numerous organizations with strong ties to Canada’s military and veteran populations. Each year, our local campaign is organized in collaboration with United Way Halifax and HealthPartners as part of our regional Defence Team’s commitment to making a positive social impact in our homes, neighbourhoods, and communities.
This year’s Halifax and Shearwater region campaign runs from September 9 to December 13. During this period, I encourage military and civilian members of all ranks and classifications to engage with the campaign in any way you can, whether donating through ePledge, planning or attending a special event, or supporting a volunteer opportunity. Every individual effort and our collective contributions matter.
Across the country, poverty, illness, and various forms of marginalization are impacting local communities and vulnerable residents – including members of our Defence Team – every day. Fortunately, through the NDWCC, we can all make a difference in finding solutions to these issues by donating our time, energy, or dollars to charitable organizations that have the expertise, tools, and resources to build healthier, more sustainable communities.
As our local NDWCC gets underway, please take a few minutes to read about or look for creative and meaningful ways to get involved; a good way to get inspired is by attending the NDWCC kick-off BBQ on September 20 beside the Base Logistics main warehouse at HMC Dockyard (building D206). In addition, be sure to speak with our canvassers who will begin making their way through units across CFB Halifax for the duration of campaign season. They will answer your questions, help you navigate the ePledge process, or identify other ways to participate.
All 2024 NDWCC information for the Halifax and Shearwater region can be found on the Trident Newspaper website (external) and the MARLANT intranet (accessible via DWAN). These websites will be updated throughout the campaign with news, events, and resources. You can also look forward to weekly CFB Halifax Public Affairs emails and social media updates with consolidated NDWCC news and spotlights. If you have an activity you would like to showcase, you can email NDWCCHalifax@forces.gc.ca and our local coordination team will be happy to assist.
I would like to take this moment to thank our coordination team, unit representatives, canvassers and everyone behind the scenes working hard to organize this year’s campaign. I am looking forward to the fun, creative, and meaningful NDWCC events and activities planned for this fall and being part of our collective impact as a Defence community. Let’s join forces and take flight for good this giving season!
Video Message – NDWCC Champion (Halifax and Shearwater region)