
“Wonderful” reunions as HMCS Summerside returns from Operation Caribbe  


“Wonderful” reunions as HMCS Summerside returns from Operation Caribbe  

By Nathan Stone,
Trident Staff 


Dozens of friends and family bearing colourful homemade signs gave a warm welcome to the returning sailors of HMCS Summerside at His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) Dockyard on the morning of July 19. 

They greeted loved ones returning from an 11-week deployment supporting drug interdiction efforts in the Carribean under Operation Caribbe, where Summerside worked alongside the US Navy and Coast Guard to seize over 800kg of illegal narcotics. The ship has deployed for Operation Caribbe five times since 2011. 

During the deployment, the ship sailed 10,927 nautical miles and made six port visits.  

When Summerside berthed at HMC Dockyard, the first person off the ship was Corporal (Cpl) Justin Murphy, who kissed his wife Kyla Murphy to the applause of both the ship’s crew and onlookers on the jetty. Cpl Murphy said this was his first deployment at sea, and also the most time he had spent away from his spouse, who he married in October of 2023. 

Cpl Murphy added that his first deployment was “fantastic” and praised the crew. He admitted to some initial concern regarding sea sickness, but said he adapted well and found himself enjoying the sail. 

“I was born for it,” he said. 

Kyla described the time away from her husband as an adjustment, saying that it was “odd and hard” to be separated for so long. Cpl Murphy said that he bought gifts for Kyla in each of the ports he visited on deployment, and that the couple planned to celebrate their reunion with dinner in downtown Halifax that evening. 

Also among those on the jetty celebrating the ship’s return was the family of Summerside’s Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander (LCdr) Alison Beaver. Her father Keith, her siblings Greg and Janice and her three nieces waved flags and signs. As the ship came alongside, the adults pointed out where “Aunt Ali” was standing amongst the crew to the children. 

Janice Beaver said that “it doesn’t get easier” to see her sister off on deployments, but that her return is always a “wonderful” moment.  

On plans to celebrate his sister’s arrival, Greg Beaver said the family, visiting from Ottawa, was unfamiliar with the area, and may need to turn to LCdr Beaver for suggestions. 

“We’ll have to see if she’ll take us for lunch,” he said with a laugh.