STADPLEX closure key updates
By CFB Halifax,
On May 28, it was announced that the Stadacona Fitness, Sports and Recreation Centre (STADPLEX) will close by October 31, 2018. The long-term safety of our PSP staff, our Defence Team members and community user groups is at the heart of this decision. Real Property Operations has – and continues to – structurally maintain the 75-year-old facility; this maintenance includes the recent securing of its roof. These repairs are provisional, however, and are not guaranteed to withstand the heavy snows and high winds of another Maritime winter.
As the tenant of this publicly owned building, PSP is making every effort to ensure CAF health and physical fitness programs remain available to our local members. PSP plans to deliver many of its STADPLEX programs and services at the Fleet (HMC Dockyard) Fitness Centre and the 12 Wing Fitness, Sports and Recreation Centre, and extended hours of operation at the Fleet gym will be announced in the coming weeks. The most recent closure and programming updates can be found on the PSP website at https://www.cafconnection.ca/Halifax/Facilities/Fitness,-Sports-and-Recreation-Centres/Stadacona.aspx.
In the months leading up to this closure, key updates will also be published in Trident. Updates for June 11, 2018 are as follows:
- PSP has distributed an e-mail notification to all non-CAF personnel who possess gym memberships as well as CAF personnel whose family members utilize our Base gym services. This notice outlines how users of our fitness facilities can maintain or discontinue their memberships, if desired. Those who wish to withdraw their memberships will receive a prorated reimbursement, while CAF members can request that allotments from their pay be ceased. If you fall within one of these membership groups and have not received this e-mail, please contact Stacey Robichaud at stacey.robichaud@forces.gc.ca.
- Parking in the spaces along the southeast side of the STADPLEX building is no longer permitted.