HMCS Oriole looks ahead to 2021 as sailing season wraps up By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff It wasn’t a typical sailing season for HMCS Oriole, but that doesn’t mean it was unsuccessful. The RCN’s oldest commissioned ship began sailing in mid-summer, and has spent the last few months at sea […]
Other News
Register now for CAF Sports Day
Register now for CAF Sports Day By Trident Staff, Despite limitations on indoor activity due to public health restrictions, the eighth edition of Canadian Armed Forces Sports Day is forging ahead, with both live and virtual activities set for October 22. The in-person activities are taking place at Stadacona, at […]
HMCS Radisson awarded as top Naval Reserve Division
Commodore’s Cup and Sailor of the Year Trophy awarded to HMCS Radisson By A/SLt Amélie Bergeron, UPAR, HMCS Radisson The Commodore’s Cup was introduced in 2016 to recognize the Naval Reserve Division that demonstrated the best overall performance and contributed most to the fulfillment of the Naval Reserve mission within […]
Volume 54, Issue 21, October 19, 2020
Click on issue cover to view publication.
NDWCC volunteers build greenhouse in East Preston
On October 2, CFB Halifax members volunteered their time to build a greenhouse at East Preston Daycare. This activity provided the daycare with valued volunteer assistance while allowing our members to develop a deeper understanding of one of the incredible non-profit organizations that support our local communities. Children attending East […]
Exercise JOINT WARRIOR 2020 wraps up
Exercise JOINT WARRIOR 2020 wraps up By Trident Staff, Taking place for two weeks off the coast of northwest Scotland, the UK-led Exercise JOINT WARRIOR involved 11 nations, 81 aircraft, 28 ships and two submarines, with a total of more than 6,000 personnel taking part. The Canadian contingent included HMC […]
HMCS Windsor prepares for return to sea
HMCS Windsor prepares for return to sea By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Excitement is building among Her Majesty’s Canadian Submarine (HMCS) Windsor’s crew as the submarine wraps up the last phase of its Transitional Docking Work Period (TDWP) and gets set to sail for the first time in two years. “The closer […]
Divers mark 10 years since losing PO2 Craig Blake
Divers remember PO2 Craig Blake at Fitness Challenge By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff This past May marked 10 years since PO2 Craig Blake, an RCN clearance diver, was killed in Afghanistan, but his memory lives on at his former unit and with the many sailors who called him a friend, […]
Exercise JOINT WARRIOR 2020
HMCS Halifax (centre) and HMCS Ville de Quebec sail into position to conduct a Replenishment at Sea (RAS) with MV Asterix (left) while HDMS Niels Juel (Danish Frigate F 363) (right) keeps vigilant guard in the background during Exercise JOINT WARRIOR on October 6, 2020.
A sailor’s extraordinary Arctic experience
A sailor’s extraordinary Arctic experience By Lt Michel Thomassin, Public Affairs Officer This year, HMCS Ville de Québec took part in Operation NANOOK-TUUGAALIK 2020 in Canada’s North: a first for Weapons Engineering Technician PO1 Matthew Pitman. “This deployment was special because even though we were still in Canada, you really […]