NS Naval Association of Canada charting new course
By Cdr (ret’d) Len Canfield,
The 75 year-old Nova Scotia Naval Association of Canada (NSNAC), formerly called the Nova Scotia Naval Officers Association, has a new mission and branch structure to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
At the recent NSNAC annual general meeting, Branch President Peter Haydon called upon Commodore (ret’d) Bruce Belliveau to brief members on the NSNAC Future Study carried out by a five-member sub-committee under his direction.
“NSNAC is an important part of the naval and wider maritime community in the Maritime Provinces and it is vitally important the organization continues to lead in supporting both the Royal Canadian Navy and the wider maritime community. Given that Halifax is the Atlantic home of the RCN and with many naval veterans residing in the region continuing this mission makes sense,” Belliveau said.
He outlined how the sub-committee looked at the challenges facing the NSNAC, noting the branch needed to modernize its approach and adopt a more effective messaging and communication concept in the digital/social media era.
The sub-committee proposed several organizational objectives for NSNAC, including
- Expanding public information and educational activities
- Developing, in conjunction with other like-minded organizations, a comprehensive maritime heritage awareness program with an emphasis on Atlantic Canada
- Increasing initiatives to support the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust/HMCS Sackville
- Maintaining an active alumni/social function
Belliveau explained that the next step was to conduct a full strategic planning process in the coming months. This will include focus groups of serving, retired and other community members, surveys and interviews, followed by a facilitated strategic planning session to develop a strategic plan to move forward. The membership approved the new concept.
The new board structure will be based on several committees with Bruce Belliveau as president; Peter Haydon, past president; Rob Rounds, secretary-treasurer; Bill Woodburn, advocacy; Tony Goode, fundraising; Len Canfield, heritage; Bob Lancashire, alumni; and Charlie Black, padre. Rowland Marshall, Sherry Richardson, Doug Thomas, Don Uhrich, and Charles Westropp will serve as members at large.
For more information, please contact: Bruce Belliveau, NSNAC, 902-876-1928/229-3812; email, belliveaubruce@gmail.com, or Len Canfield, NSNAC, Tel 902 443-1726; email, len.canfield@ns.sympatico.ca