Navy 10K medals inspired by HMCS Stadacona
By PSP Halifax
There’s just under two weeks left until hundreds of runners set off from the Stadacona gates for the annual Navy 10K run! It’s the perfect time to register for the race at https://raceroster.com/events/2023/75064/navy-10k-run and ensure you’ll take home one of this year’s commemorative finishing medals, marking the 100th year anniversary of the commissioning of HMCS Stadacona in Halifax.
The Stadacona we know today is the second RCN entity to take the name, following the yacht HMCS Stadacona that was commissioned in August of 1915 and paid off five years later. The Navy made use of the name again when taking over the site of the British Army’s Wellington Barracks, and this section of the base off of Gottingen Street was commissioned as HMCS Stadacona on July 1, 1923.
This year’s medal borrows a number of elements from the Stadacona badge, including the “By wisdom and valour” motto, and the arm holding the lamp of knowledge, recognizing Stadacona’s important role as a training base. It also takes inspiration from the HMCS Stadacona sign that was once outside the main gate. The lanyard design includes elements of an 1878 map of North End Halifax showing Wellington Barracks and Admiralty House, while the medals for category winners feature four thin blue lines, each representing 25 years in honour of the centennial of HMCS Stadacona’s commissioning.
Registration for this year’s race is only $40 for CAF members and $50 for civilians, with registration for the 1.25K and 2.5K kids’ runs also available for $25. For those outside of Halifax who would like to complete their own run and still receive their Navy 10K shirt and medal, the virtual run registration is once again an option. The main event kicks off at 9 a.m. on August 20, while the kids’ run is scheduled for 8 a.m.