Latest Sailor of the Quarter recipient shows “outstanding leadership and dedication”
By Nathan Stone,
Trident Staff
At an assembly of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Fredericton’s ship’s company, Sailor 1st Class (S1) Jenna Muise was celebrated as an example of service and dedication, both in and out uniform, as they accepted the Sailor of the Quarter award.
The ceremony took place in HMCS Scotian on January 20 as S1 Muise and their crewmates gathered for a training seminar.
Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, Commodore (Cmdre) Jacob French, presented the Sailor of the Quarter award for the fourth quarter of 2024 to S1 Musie alongside Fredericton’s commanding officer, Commander (Cdr) Jonathan Maurice.
S1 Muise was recognized for their work mentoring the ship’s junior members, training and working above their qualification level and dedicating their free time to the ship’s holiday party and children’s Christmas party.
It was also noted that they take on many secondary duties, including serving as a FORCE test coordinator and the ship’s representative for the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre.
S1 Muise acts as an ambassador for their trade as a Naval Electronic Sensor Officer (NESOP) by leading tours of Fredericton’s Operations Room for Naval Experience Program members and educating them on a NESOP’s role aboard the ship and at sea.
Away from Fredericton, S1 Muise volunteers with the Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Building, where they aid both staff and veterans with daily routines.
Cdr Maurice praised S1 Muise for their leadership and initiative.
“Their willingness to step up and support their shipmates, regardless of the task, has made a significant impact on the overall effectiveness of our unit,” he said.
“They consistently perform at a level that makes them stand out amongst their peers, delivering high quality results on every task. Their attention to detail, efficiency, and resourcefulness have not only enhanced the productivity of the unit but also set a positive example for others to follow.”
Cmdre French also thanked S1 Muise for those efforts that extend well beyond their duties. He said the nomination form he received made it clear they were “exactly the right fit” for the award, adding that S1 Muise sets an example of “outstanding leadership and dedication.”
The award presentation was met with several rounds of enthusiastic applause from Fredericton’s crew.
S1 Muise took a moment to speak at the end of the ceremony. They credited their crewmates for helping them in all that they do.
“There isn’t anything that I did on my own, so this is as much a recognition for all of you as it is for me. Thank you for all your support,” S1 Muise said.