

Un membre de longue date du NCSM Scotian prend la relève du commandant

Longtime HMCS Scotian member steps in as new CO By Trident Staff Halifax’s Naval Reserve Division welcomed its new Commanding Officer on May 3, with Commander Kyle Penney assuming the job as outgoing CO Commander Wayne Shaddock wrapped up his time in command. Cdr Shaddock led HMCS Scotian through part […]


Le NCSM Edmonton dans l'opération Caribbe

HMCS Edmonton combines business with fun during Operation Caribbe By Capt Chelsea Dubeau,  MARPAC PAO HMCS Edmonton conducted multi-day maritime exercises while deployed on Operation (Op) Carribe in March as part of the North American Maritime Security Initiative (NAMSI). The exercises included a coordinated interdiction exercise involving ships, aircraft and personnel from the Royal Canadian […]


Cet été, suivez le NCSM Oriole

Follow Oriole this summer as it visits cities along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway By RCN This summer His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Oriole is visiting communities along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway, bringing the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) to Canadians as part of this year’s Great Lakes Deployment. The […]


Le SNMG2 fait la démonstration de sa flexibilité et de sa force en Méditerranée

SNMG2 demonstrates flexibility and strength in the Mediterranean Sea By NATO MARCOM Public Affairs Over the past few weeks, Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) has engaged in multiple activities throughout the Mediterranean, showcasing its reach and seamless integration with Allied navies. While SNMG2’s flagship USS James E. Williams patrolled […]