Veterans bring decades of CAF experience, camaraderie to Dockyard gym By Ryan Melanson, Trident staff Chief Warrant Officer (Retired) Bob Thompson is no longer leading the next generation of Canadian Armed Forces personnel, but says he loves “keeping tabs” on them a few nights a week while working the front […]
Journée de volley-ball à la 12e Escadre Shearwater
Le 15 septembre, le volley-ball était à l'honneur à la 12e Escadre Shearwater. Des unités de toute l'escadre se sont réunies au centre de conditionnement physique et de sports pour une compétition amicale. Le commandant du 12e Escadron de soutien aux opérations, le Lcol Paul Malone, a donné le coup d'envoi avec un service d'ouverture cérémoniel, et un tournoi à l'échelle de l'escadre s'est déroulé tout [...]
2e tournoi annuel de balle lente « Hero Classic »
Running the basepaths together: 2nd Annual Hero Classic Slo-Pitch Tournament By S1 Natassia Lei It is a well-held aphorism that a rising tide raises all ships. This proved true on the morning of September 23rd at the Canadian Coast Guard College in Sydney, Nova Scotia. As slow tide rolled into […]
Le NCSM Oriole transite par le canal Welland pendant la TGL 2023
HMCS Oriole transits Welland Canal during GLD 2023 By Slt Wilson Ho, HMCS Oriole On September 8th, 2023, His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Oriole transited through the Welland Canal, which connects Lake Ontario to Lake Erie, while participating in the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) annual Great Lakes Deployment. There are […]
Camp Hill remercie les Mooseheads et la BFC Halifax à l'occasion du dévoilement d'une nouvelle aire d'activités
Camp Hill thanks Mooseheads and CFB Halifax as new activity pad unveiled By Ryan Melanson, Trident staff The residents at Camp Hill Veterans’ Memorial Building are always a friendly and welcoming group, but be warned – they take their bocce games very seriously. Some special guests from CFB Halfax and […]
Participation de membres de l’Équipe de la Défense locale à une activité de la Journée d’entraide à la résidence Spencer House
National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign spotlight Local Defence Team Members Participate in a Day of Caring at Spencer House By Leah Coughlin, CFB Halifax Public Affairs On September 13, 2023, local Defence Team members joined forces for a Day of Caring activity in support of Spencer House’s Age Friendly Community […]
Les groupes maritimes de l'OTAN concluent l'exercice Northern Coasts dirigé par l'Allemagne en mer Baltique
NATO maritime groups conclude German-led exercise Northern Coasts in Baltic Sea By NATO Allied Maritime Command Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) and Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) joined more than 3,000 sailors, marines, and aviators for exercise Northern Coasts 2023 held in the central Baltic Sea in […]
Gens de la BFC Halifax : Capitaine de corvette (Capc) et révérend David Jackson
Face of Base: Lieutenant-Commander Reverend David Jackson By CFB Halifax For our newest Face of Base, we are proud to introduce you to Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr) Reverend David Jackson, the Senior Fleet Chaplain with Canadian Fleet Atlantic. LCdr Jackson is the son of a former Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Chaplain and […]
Les NCSM Shawinigan et Summerside participent à un exercice de chasse aux mines de l'OTAN en mer du Nord
HMCS Shawinigan and Summerside join NATO Minehunting exercise in North Sea By NATO Allied Maritime Command Minehunters from Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One (SNMCMG1) took part in Exercise Sandy Coast in the North Sea between August 21 and September 1. Recognizing the importance of safeguarding coastal areas, Exercise Sandy Coast […]
Promotion de la santé horaire d’octobre
Health Promotion October schedule By the Health Promotion Team With multiple holidays on the horizon, we have done our best to adjust our schedule to fit your schedule. Here are the upcoming programs and events from Health Promotion in October AODGGA (MITE code) Alcohol, Other Drugs, Gambling and Gaming Awareness […]