$179K raised for Camp Hill through DND, Mooseheads partnership
By Ryan Melanson,
Trident Staff
A partnership between the Halifax Mooseheads and the local CAF/DND community has been going strong for nearly 15 years, and shows no signs of slowing down.

The 2018 edition of the annual Mooseheads DND Appreciation Night, held on November 9 against the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles, raised a new record total of $20,100 from jersey raffles at the arena and online jersey auctions following the game, allowing people a chance to own the custom DND-inspired Mooseheads jerseys produced for the special occasion each year. As always, all of the money raised from the game will go toward the Camp Hill Veterans’ Memorial Hospital, specifically towards the upkeep of the Veteran’s Memorial Garden, a private sanctuary located just outside the facility.
The 2018-2019 hockey season marks the Mooseheads’ 25th year in Halifax, and the partnership with DND, in support of Camp Hill, is just one of the ways the team has proven itself to be a strong supporter of its community, said PSP Halifax Corporate Sponsorship Manager Missy Sonier. With the totals for 2018 now included, the partnership has brought in a total of $178,854 for Camp Hill since the first DND Night in 2004.
“This organization has created a platform, with the assistance of the Canadian Armed Forces, that has allowed Camp Hill to be the recipient of thousands of dollars each year,” Sonier said.
“These are huge numbers, and it’s the Halifax Mooseheads, the men and women in uniform who volunteer their time, and the wonderful support of the Mooseheads patrons and season-ticket holders that makes it all happen.”
The most recent game saw the Mooseheads wearing jerseys that honoured the 100th anniversary of 12 Wing Shearwater, while the previous year focused on Canada 150 as well as Camp Hill’s own 100th year anniversary of caring for veterans, which was especially meaningful for the facility and the veterans who call it home, said Heather White, Camp Hill’s director of veterans’ services. She added that the care and maintenance of the Memorial Garden wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of donors.
“The Mooseheads Jersey Raffle and Auction has for many years now been our single largest fundraising effort and we are so very grateful for all the support we have received,” she said, adding that along with the financial support, the annual hockey event helps foster pride among the Camp Hill community and showcases respect for Camp Hill’s veterans.
The DND Appreciation Nights have been a hit for everyone involved since they began, and the organization hopes to keep the partnership going well into the future, said team President Brian Urquhart.
“Even after 15 years, I’m still being told many times by Mooseheads’ fans that their favourite game each season is DND Appreciation Night. Our Organization and our fan base has a lot to be proud of. At the top of that list is our partnership with the Canadian Forces.”