Local Defence Team Members Participate in Day of Caring at YWCA Halifax
By Leah Coughlin,
CFB Halifax Public Affairs
On October 5, local Defence Team members rolled up their sleeves during a Day of Caring activity in support of YWCA Halifax’s Supportive Housing for Young Mothers (SHYM) program.
Days of Caring are United Way Halifax initiatives that pair community volunteers with charitable organizations who are seeking assistance. Each year as part of the Halifax region National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign, United Way Halifax matches Defence Team volunteers with hands-on projects throughout the local community.
“CFB Halifax has been a strong champion of the Day of Caring, providing volunteers and contributing many hours over the years,” said Nicole Cameron, Manager of Development and Engagement at United Way Halifax. “The support of volunteers is important to community organizations because they may not have the time or resources to tackle a project on their own. The extra support they receive– regardless how big or small – can make a difference.”
YWCA Halifax is a 150 year old non-profit organization that builds economic security, promotes wellness and creates opportunities for women, young girls and their families. Its SHYM program provides supportive housing, parenting support, and life skills development for at risk young single mothers ages 16 to 24.
Local Defence Team members were inspired by the work of YWCA Halifax and gathered early in the morning on October 5 at one of SHYM’s supportive housing units to perform much needed yard work. With many helping hands, they accomplished a lot in a few hours. Their tasks included raking and mowing the lawn, removing overgrown brush obstructing walkways and play areas, setting up children’s play structures and fixing building repairs.
“As a Defence Team member servicing our country, I don’t always see the work that is being done on a larger scale,” said Lt(N) Wallace Tucker, a local Defence Team member that participated in this Day of Caring activity. “Volunteering is meaningful to me because I can see the immediate impact it has on our local communities.”
Many thanks to United Way Halifax and the staff at YWCA Halifax for organizing this Day of Caring opportunity and Bravo Zulu to the many local Defence Team members who volunteered their time to support a good cause! Local Defence Team members can get involved in future Day of Caring initiatives with YWCA Halifax or other United Way Halifax-supported charitable organizations by contacting NDWCCHalifax@forces.gc.ca.