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Community remembers Stalker 22 crew on crash anniversary


April 29, 2024 marked four years since the tragic CH-148 Cyclone helicopter crash in the Mediterranean Sea that resulted in the deaths of six CAF members. The helicopter, call sign Stalker 22, crashed off the coast of Greece while deployed with HMCS Fredericton on Operation Reassurance. In Shearwater, the Maritime Helicopter community observed the occasion with a memorial ceremony at the 12 Wing Chapel, before attendees gathered at the Stalker 22 monument at the Shearwater Aviation Park. Other initiatives included a memorial service at sea aboard HMSC Montréal. We remember Master Corporal Matthew Cousins, Sub-Lieutenant Abbigail Cowbrough, Captain Kevin Hagen, Captain Brenden MacDonald, Captain Maxime Miron-Morin, and Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Pyke.