- What is the Cogswell District Project?
Halifax Regional Municipality’s (HRM) Cogswell District Project, the biggest city-building project in the history of Halifax, will convert 16 acres of road infrastructure into a mixed-use neighborhood, extending the entrance of the downtown northwards and reuniting communities separated by the interchange lands. The project’s construction work is being executed by infrastructure and project lead, Dexter Construction Limited.
A portion of Department of National Defence (DND) property at the south end of the HMC Dockyard parking lot continues to be impacted by this project as construction progresses on a new roundabout that will create a more efficient flow of traffic to/from the downtown core. Once complete, this roundabout will offer Defence Team members access to enhanced walking paths and bikeways and a more seamless vehicular entry and exit route at the south end of Valour Way. For more information, visit the HRM website: Cogswell District | Cogswell Interchange | Halifax
- I work at or regularly transit throughout HMC Dockyard. How will the Cogswell District Project impact my day-to-day moving forward?
The south entrance to Valour Way (at Upper Water Street) will be closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic for approximately two years beginning on February 6, 2023 to enable the completion of a roundabout as part of the larger Cogswell District Project. As a result of this closure and the associated construction activity, HMC Dockyard employees, contractors and visitors can expect impacts to public and personal transit (vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian); parking (general and motorcycle); and HMC Dockyard access. More details on these impacts and identified mitigation measures can be found in the questions and answers below.
CFB Halifax continues to work with Real Property Operations Section Halifax (RPOSH), the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) and other project stakeholders to ensure impacts to our members and operations are minimized.
CFB Halifax recognizes that local Defence Team members may be impacted by this closure differently based on their unique work arrangements, travel requirements and other factors. Members are asked to speak with their respective Chains of Command/Supervisors if they have any concerns.
- Parking: What can I expect moving forward?
General parking (non-operational zone). In Spring 2022, approximately 235 parking spaces in HMC Dockyard non-operational zone parking areas I and J were closed temporarily to allow for the demolition of several Water, Fuels and Environment (WFE) buildings, the reconfiguration of parking area I, the stockpiling of soil/equipment and other related activities. All but 56 of these spaces have been reopened for Defence Team member use. The remaining 56 spaces – to be located in a newly defined parking area J – will be returned in early 2025 when all roundabout construction activities at HMC Dockyard are expected to conclude. The Base Operations team continues to monitor parking in the HMC Dockyard non-operational zone weekly to ensure parking availability remains sufficient for those in possession of a parking pass; currently there is sufficient space available for those in possession of a parking pass.
Motorcycle parking. Motorcycle parking on the concrete pad along Valour Way (between Rainbow Gate and the south entrance to Valour Way) will be inaccessible once Valour Way south closes in February 2023. Temporary motorcycle parking will be implemented in the vicinity of the Car Pass/Identification Section office (see Figures 1 and 2 below). The number of spaces available will be adjusted based on continued monitoring of how many motorcyclists make use of the space.

- Public Transit: Will my Halifax Transit bus stops or routes be impacted by the closure of Valour Way south?
Yes. Several bus stops and routes will experience service disruptions or bus stop/routing changes (see Figure 3 below).
Inbound bus stops. Inbound Halifax Transit bus stop 8413 (Upper Water Street across from HMCS Scotian) will be closed temporarily once the Valour Way south entrance closes. Bus stop 6104 will remain open, which is a change from previously reported information. Inbound travelers who normally use stop 8413 are advised to use stop 6104 (Barrington St Before Cornwallis St), 6125 (Barrington St After Cornwallis St), or 6088 (Barrington St after Artz St), depending on the bus route they are taking. Bus stop 2021 (Barrington Street before North Street) will not be serviced by Route 50 but will continue to service all other Routes. Bus stop 8606 (Upper Water Street before Cogswell Street) will temporarily close.
Outbound bus stops. Outbound Halifax Transit bus stop 6089 (Barrington Street at Upper Water Street) has been removed and replaced with a new temporary location closer to downtown Halifax and will remain open in this location for the duration of the Valour Way south closure. Outbound Halifax Transit bus stop 8414 (Upper Water Street near Valour Way south entrance) will be closed temporarily once the Valour Way south entrance closes. Outbound travelers who normally use stops 8414 are advised to use stop 2021 (Barrington St after exit to Macdonald Bridge/before North Street) or the new location for bus stop 6089, depending on the bus route they are taking.

Route 11 Dockyard (now Route 50 Dockyard-Shipyard): Halifax Transit Route 11 (Dockyard) was replaced by Route 50 Dockyard-Shipyard effective November 21, 2022.
HRM has announced the following Halifax Transit detours for Route 50 starting on February 6, 2023:
- Route 50 Inbound: From Valour Way, use turning loop and exit via Valour Way on North Street, R-Barrington Street to regular routing (Figure 3.1).
- Route 50 Outbound: From Valour Way, use turning loop and exit via Valour Way to North Street, L-Barrington Street, L-New Detour Road, R-Cogswell Street to regular routing (Figure 3.2).
- To facilitate these detours, there will be a turning loop (turnaround lane) at HMC Dockyard’s non-operational parking zone I. See turning route to be implemented on the map (Figure 4) below.
- In addition to this turning lane, Halifax Transit has added two additional trips to this route, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, effective November 21, 2022.
- All Route 50 bus stops at HMC Dockyard including 6569 (Valour Way after Coxswain Lane), 6571 (Valour Way after Centre Gate) and 6573 (Valour Way after Rainbow Gate) will remain operational throughout the Valour Way south entrance closure.
- *Please note that Route 50 will not service the Halifax Transit bus stop on Barrington Street before North Street (stop #2021).
- This information is also available on the HRM website: www.halifax.ca/transportation/halifax-transit/service-disruptions.
*Please note that buses travelling through this area at evening rush hour are currently experiencing significant delays due to construction associated with the Cogswell District project.
- Public transit route detours. Any public transit detouring due to this project will be posted on the Halifax Regional Municipality Service Disruptions page.

- HMC Dockyard Access: How can Defence Team members, contractors and visitors access HMC Dockyard in personal motor vehicles once the Valour Way south entrance closes?
Members or visitors will continue having access to HMC Dockyard’s non-operational parking zone via Barrington/North Street and Barrington/Niobe Bridge entrances. Motorists are asked to be mindful of speed limits in these areas for the safety of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. Niobe Gate, Admiral’s Gate, Centre Gate and Rainbow Gate will remain open for vehicular and pedestrian access for the duration of the Valour Way South closure for those authorized to enter the operational zone.
- Traffic congestion: With one of the main vehicular entry/exit points to/from HMC Dockyard non-operational zone closing, how will traffic congestion be addressed?
Traffic signal adjustments. Traffic signals were adjusted at the Barrington Street/North Street and Barrington Street/Niobe Bridge intersections in early August 2022 in order to favour DND traffic coming into and out of HMC Dockyard during peak hours (6 am – 9 am and 3 pm – 5:30 pm Atlantic). This change will remain in place until the south entrance to Valour Way reopens with hopes of limiting traffic congestion within HMC Dockyard.
- Will there be an alternate entry/exit point near the south end of HMC Dockyard where HMC Dockyard and HMCS Scotian employees can walk/cycle to and from downtown Halifax?
As noted in Defence Team Update #4, a temporary, southern HMC Dockyard access gate – for authorized* pedestrian, bicycle and commercial/DND large truck traffic only – will open when Valour Way south closes and will be located between HMCS Scotian (building D193) and the Base Logistics HAZMAT building (D207). See map below, Figure 5. This gate will provide a wide turning radius for large trucks while allowing pedestrians and cyclists direct access to/from downtown Halifax or the Halifax Transit ferry terminal. Signage will be in place to highlight this new access gate and its limited access.
This temporary access gate, a single-lane roadway, will not be available to personal motor vehicles (motorcycles included) due to public safety concerns and traffic congestion inside the HMC Dockyard controlled zone.
Access to HMCS Scotian and this temporary gate is via the Cogswell District Project’s Detour Route 1, which opened for use on December 7, 2022. Please see Defence Team Update #6 for more information on this detour road.
*Please note that those entering HMC Dockyard from this entrance must either be in possession of a valid DND/Canadian Armed Forces Identification card or be listed on a Visitor Access List located at the Commissionaires’ hut.

- What about safety measures in and around the Cogswell District Project site?
Defence Team members and visitors are reminded that a portion of the HMC Dockyard non-operational parking area closest to downtown Halifax is currently, and will continue to be, an active construction zone. Please be aware of the presence of dust, noise pollution, the movement of construction vehicles and heavy equipment, and any other hazards that may exist due to ongoing construction activities. The Halifax Regional Municipality and Dexter Construction have a layered safety programme in place to ensure the safety of those working in or transiting near the project site.
- How can I find Cogswell District Project updates in real time?
Cogswell District Project website: www.halifax.ca/cogswell
Cogswell District Project App: The Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) launched a mobile app in support of the Cogswell District project in November 2022. This free app provides users with the most effective directions to travel by various modes of transportation (driving, cycling, walking, rolling and taking transit) through the Cogswell District while it is under construction. The app is integrated with Google Maps to reflect current road closures so users can plan their route in advance.
- How can I stay updated on impacts to Defence Team members and property throughout the Cogswell District Project?
Local Defence Team members will be kept informed on any future impacts to Defence property, personnel and operations as roundabout construction progresses. All updates are consolidated and available on the Trident Newspaper website at www.tridentnewspaper.com/cogswell. For more information on the Cogswell District Project, please visit the Halifax Regional Municipality website: Cogswell District | Cogswell Interchange | Halifax
- How can I provide project feedback?
Local Defence Team members can send their feedback directly to CFBHalifaxPublicAffairs@forces.gc.ca for the duration of the project.
CFB Halifax recognizes that local Defence Team members may be impacted by this closure differently based on their unique work arrangements, travel requirements and other factors. Members are asked to speak with their respective Chains of Command/Supervisors if they have any concerns.