CF Hlth Svcs C (A) welcomes new CWO
By Nathan Stone,
Trident Staff
Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) David Finamore has been appointed as the new unit Sergeant Major for Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Atlantic) (CF Hlth Svcs C [A]). The appointment ceremony was held on May 3 in the galley of the Archie Macallum building.
Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Justin Keddy, Commanding Officer of CF Hlth Svcs C (A), praised CWO Finamore’s “intellect, drive and compassion”. The duo are already accustomed to working together, as CWO Finamore had been acting as the Unit CWO for four months prior to the appointment.
Beginning his career as a Medical Technician in 2005, CWO Finamore has served at Canadian Forces bases across the country and abroad, including deployments to Afghanistan, The Philippines, Ukraine and to Libya aboard HMCS Charlottetown.
He was promoted to his current rank in April of this year.
LCol Keddy evoked CWO Finamore’s 19-year military career during the ceremony. Saying to CWO Finamore “you know what it means to serve”.
CWO Finamore described himself as a “servant leader.” He said his leadership style will be focused on supporting, listening to and empowering the unit.
“(servant leadership) is about putting the needs of others in front of our own.”
CWO Finamore also praised the Non-Commissioned Members of CF Hlth Svcs C (A).
“We have a great collaborative team here.”
CWO Finamore was joined on the day by his wife Kelly, their three children and his parents who flew in from Ontario for the ceremony.