
Canadian Military Colleges Review Board to visit Halifax 

Canadian Military Colleges Review Board to visit Halifax 

To all members of Maritime Forces Atlantic and CFB Halifax, 

Members of the Canadian Military Colleges Review Board (CMCRB) will be visiting Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) bases, wings and formations from 27-31 May, 2024, to engage in a series of site visits, consultations and listening sessions. The purpose of these engagements is to broaden the Board’s awareness of the environment within which CAF members operate; deepen its understanding of the duties and responsibilities of Officers in the operational and training domains; and gather perspectives related to the Board’s mandate including: 

  • To review the costs, benefits, disadvantages, and advantages, both to the CAF and the nation, of continuing to educate Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) naval/officer cadets at the Canadian Military Colleges (CMCs);
  • To assess the comparative quality of education, socialization (including inculcation of Canadian values and expectations), and military leadership training in the CMCs’ environments;
  • To assess the potential of different models for delivering university-level education and military leadership training to naval/officer cadets; and
  • To recommend whether RMC and RMC Saint-Jean should continue in their current or an altered capacity as undergraduate degree-granting institutions, or whether all ROTP naval/officer cadets should instead be required to attend civilian university for their undergraduate education. 

During the consultations and listening sessions, the CMCRB will be meeting with CMC graduates and junior officers who entered the CAF via ROTP Civilian University or the Direct Entry Officer Program. The Board will also meet with command teams and with those who supervise junior officers. Engagements will be held in-person in small-to-medium-sized groups, to enable the Board to hear from as many people as possible in a meaningful way. Those who fall into an above category can expect to receive an invitation from their chain of command. 

The Board understands that these are busy and even difficult times for the CAF. In carrying out its duties, the CMCRB seeks to acknowledge your service, respect your time and minimize any disruptions to your work. The Board looks forward to its visit and to hearing your thoughts and ideas on the future of Canada’s military colleges. We thank you in advance for your support and participation. 


Dr. Kathy Hogarth
Board Chair
Canadian Military Colleges Review Board