Here are some great photos of our local Defence Team showing their love for mental health on Bell Let’s Talk Day! By learning and talking about mental health, we can support ourselves and others living with mental illness, while helping to reduce stigma around mental health. Today and every day, let’s remember to show our support for all those who live with mental illness and to take care of ourselves and others. Many thanks to Defence Team members from various units who submitted photos this year.
Please remember that specialized mental health resources exist to support you and your family, 24/7, 365 days a year. For CAF members, the Member Assistance Program (1-800-268-7708) and Family Information Line (1-800-866-4546) are available 24/7. You can connect with a local Chaplain by calling 902-721-8660 (weekdays) and 902-427-7788 (evenings and weekends) or book an appointment with the mental health unit at the Base clinic at 902-721-8012. For DND members, the Employee Assistance Program (1-800-268-7708 or 1-800-567-5803 *TTY- for people with hearing impairments) is available 24/7.