Annual Arctic Backpacks for Kids
By CPO2 Richard Bungay,
Patrol Vessel, Chief Engineer, Sea Training Atlantic
As in previous years, I am organizing a school backpack community outreach initiative for our northern neighbors. The north is famous for their generosity and I was on the receiving end of one such act during a previo
us deployment to the Arctic, so I would like to give something back to the communities that support the RCN so much. This was also a continuation of initiatives started by HMCS Labrador’s ship’s company back in the early 1950s.
HMCS Charlottetown has graciously agreed to transport the backpacks to communities they will visit during Op NANOOK. If you are interested in donating, we are seeking school supplies and new or gently used backpacks. I strongly encourage ship’s companies to support this worthy cause. The MFRC Halifax has again volunteered to act as a drop-off point for donations. The cut-off date for all donations is August 3.
Any questions can be directed to CPO2 Richard Bungay at richard.bungay@forces.gc.ca