The ship’s company of the future HMCS Harry DeWolf poses for a group photo after the badging ceremony held on October 5, 2018.
Author: Trident Newspaper
Padre’s Corner
Christmas holiday the time to show your love By Capt Albert Lee, Chaplain Campus Atlantic NFS(A) NTDC(A), Most of the sailors that come to see me, see me for relationship issues. Whether it’s a relationship at work, with their spouse, with their children, or with their family members. We have […]
Candlelight ceremony at Camp Hill
Veterans, CAF members, cadets and civilians take part in the annual Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Hospital Candle Lighting Ceremony at the cenotaph outside the hospital on November 5, 2018.
Master Seaman adjusts to life at sea
MS Forrester on TRIDENT JUNCTURE: “It’s a good feeling.” By RCN In 2017, MS Nicole Forrester’s son was born. A year later she is deploying on TRIDENT JUNCTURE, the largest NATO co-operative deployment to occur in over three decades involving around 50,000 personnel. “It is going to be the longest […]
MARLANT/JTFA Honours & Awards
Exemplary service recognized at Honours & Awards Ceremony By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Lt(N) Victoria Barrie spent nearly three years in the difficult and demanding role of Flag Lieutenant to the Commander of Canadian Fleet Atlantic, working under then Cmdre Craig Baines. She moved on from that job in summer […]
NDWCC 2018 update
NDWCC update By Margaret Conway, CFB Halifax A/PAO It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the conclusion of the fall 2018 campaign season. Our NDWCC canvassers have been hard at work visiting all Base and MARLANT units and ships within the Formation, and individual units have been busy planning and […]
MARTECH training evolves for the future
Marine Technician training evolves for the future By LCdr Adrian Deutekom, NTDC(P) In 2017, the Royal Canadian Navy stood up the Marine Technician trade. This new trade replaced the legacy trades of Marine Engineer, Hull Technician and Electrical Technician. The vision for the Marine Technician trade was to train sailors […]
Canadian Leaders visit HMCS Windsor
Participants in the Royal Canadian Navy’s Canadian Leaders at Sea program tour HMCS Windsor on November 15. The submarine is currently in a transitional docking work period for maintenance and capability upgrades. The group also toured other key Formation Halifax facilities and spent a night at sea in HMCS Charlottetown.
Memorial Cross for late Gulf War veteran
Family of late Gulf War veteran awarded memorial cross By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Ten years after his death from an aggressive brain tumour, the family of Gulf War veteran PO1 Richard Mohr was awarded the Memorial Cross during a ceremony at Stadacona’s St. Brendan’s Chapel on November 11. The […]
‘Til We Meet Again concert
Army Band plays ‘Til We Meet Again concert By Virginia Beaton, Trident Staff It was an afternoon of music, memories, and laughter at the 17th annual ‘Til We Meet Again concert at the Paul O’Regan Hall of the Halifax Central Library. Held on Saturday, November 10, the concert was presented […]