Progress continues on construction of the RCN’s new fleet of Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships, including the future HMCS Max Bernays. This photo shows the second keel unit of the ship being laid into place on February 21 inside the Assembly Hall at Irving Shipbuilding’s Halifax Shipyard. Max Bernays will be the third ship […]
Author: Trident Newspaper
DND Firefighters assist civilian tanker
DND Fire Services responds to shipboard fire at former refinery site By Brian MacDonald, Deputy Fire Chief, CFB Halifax I received a phone call at home in the early hours on Sunday January 27, from Senior Platoon Chief (SPC) Chris Wagner requesting permission for the Dockyard Fire Department to respond […]
HMCS Toronto gets a fresh coat
HMCS Toronto’s crewmembers paint the ship while sailing the Mediterranean during Operation REASSURANCE on January 28.
Padre’s Corner
The practice of discernment By Lt(N) the Rev’d Robert Parker, Interim Senior Fleet Chaplain Looking at the Liturgical calendar, we are in the middle of the season of Epiphany, heading toward Lent. Christmas Leave is a distant memory, New Years has been ushered in and the kids have been back […]
Co-op students complete program at CFB Halifax
Bravo Zulu to the nine high school Navy co-op students who completed their program on January 24 at Base headquarters. They gave presentations on their experiences exploring life at CFB Halifax and learning from our Defence community. We hope to see them join the ranks in the future. Many thanks to all of the […]
Bell Let’s Talk: CAF members speak out
CAF members speak out on Bell Let’s Talk Day By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Cpl Travis Weir is a Medical Technician on board HMCS Montreal, and while his trade focuses on caring for the health of his colleagues, he recently opened up about a time when he needed a break […]
HMCS Halifax are MEGA Hockey champions
The team from HMCS Halifax were victorious in the finals of the 2019 MEGA Hockey Championship on January 18, taking a 4-3 victory over HMCS Charlottetown. Other participating teams included HMC ships Fredericton, Montreal, and St. John’s, along with Trinity, Campus Atlantic, FMF Cape Scott, and MOG 5.
PSP Reconditioning Program
PSP Reconditioning Program By Kerianne Willigar, PSP Reconditioning Manager This is a fitness program designed to meet the demands of serving CAF members that are dealing with injury and illness. This program was created in response to information gathered from military personnel through the Health and Lifestyle Information Survey (HLIS). […]
Commander MARLANT visits CTF 150
Strengthening naval partnerships in the Middle East: Commander MCC visits Bahrain By Lt(N) Linda Coleman, Public Affairs Officer, CTF 150 RAdm Craig Baines, Commander MARLANT and Maritime Component Command (MCC), visited Manama, Bahrain from January 14-15, 2019 for a series of key leadership engagements and to visit Commodore Darren Garnier […]
HMCS Ville de Québec welcomed home
HMCS Ville de Québec welcomed home after six months in Mediterranean By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff After 190 days at sea and nearly 33,000 nautical miles sailed, HMCS Ville de Québec made its triumphant return home on January 19, with about 250 personnel ready to start the new year with […]