Day in and day out, the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS) continues to work towards the goal of Reconstitution within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) by training the next generation of military members and leaders. To do this, CFLRS is dedicated to the mission of training and instilling within new recruits a sense of duty, pride, and belonging.
CFLRS is busier than it has ever been, with new recruits arriving to begin their new careers within the forces. What better way to demonstrate what a full house looks like at the school, and showcase a small snippet of the family that recruits are joining, than having everyone get together for some good old pushups?
That is why Lieutenant-Colonel Marc Kieley, CFLRS Commandant, held a morning parade on January 20th with all the recruits in-house, representing 25 platoons in active training. That amounts to 1,286 candidates coming together, including four platoons who had reached their final week of basic training, and welcoming two platoons on their very first morning at CFLRS. The parade closed with all candidates and staff completing a collective 13,000 push-ups, reminding everyone that no matter their stage of training, their element, or which military trade awaits them, they are now part of a much larger team.

Just as important to highlight are the CFLRS instructors, who are drawn from more than 65 trades and all three elements, providing a wide-ranging spectrum of experience and knowledge to the candidates. They do it with their own style, with their own experience, and with rigour and devotion to help train the next generation of CAF soldiers, aviators, and sailors.
This is what success looks like: providing the CAF with recruits that will be moving onto their next posting with both the skills and the motivation that will bring the CAF to the next level. The CAF, at its core, relies on its people: people who can teach, people who can learn, and people who want to make a difference.
CFLRS is all about those people. They meet at CFLRS daily to help build an enduring future with a foundation that recruits can rely on as they move forward in their careers. All that is done with team spirit because CFLRS believes it’s the only way to achieve great things.